4.2. Categorized List of Methods

These are most of the methods of the DataHubConnector class. The remaining methods, which are used for making callbacks, are presented in the following section.

Status Functions

getCnxState - retrieves the operational state of the connector object.
getCnxStateString - retrieves a string corresponding to the operational state.
getCnxSubStateString - provides detailed information on the connection state (C++ only).
getErrString - retrieves the last error string (C++ only).

Connection Control

setReconnectionDelay - sets the delay time between reconnection attempts.
getReconnectionDelay - retrieves the delay time between reconnection attempts.
startReconnectionTimer - starts the delay timer for reconnection attempts.
cancelReconnectionTimer - stops the delay timer for reconnection attempts.
setHeartbeatTimes - sets the period of the heartbeat and timeout timers.
getHeartbeat - retrieves the heartbeat timer period.
getTimeout - retrieves the timeout timer period.
startHeartbeatTimers - starts the heartbeat and timeout timers.
cancelHeartbeatTimers - cancels the heartbeat and timeout timers.
activeHeartbeatTimers - determines if both heartbeat timers are active.
setConnectionParms - sets the connection parameters.
getHostName - retrieves the host name connection parameter.
getServiceName - retrieves the port service name connection parameter (C++ only).
isConnecting - indicates whether a connection attempt is in progress.
isConnected - indicates whether a connection has been established.
openConnection - attempts to establish a connection to the Cascade DataHub.
retryConnection - opens a new connection to the Cascade DataHub (C++ only).
closeConnection - closes the connection to the Cascade DataHub.
shutdown - prepares for an application shutdown or disconnect (Java and C# only).


sendLispMessage - sends a message to the Cascade DataHub (C++ only).
writeCommand - sends a command to the Cascade DataHub (Java and C# only).
escapedString - prepares a string for use with writeCommand (Java and C# only).

Point Handling

initializePointCache - initializes local point cache usage.
lookupPoint - accesses a point from the point cache.
registerDomain - registers to receive updates from domain points.
setDefaultDomain - sets the default domain.
getDefaultDomain - returns the current default domain.
registerPoint - registers to receive updates from a Cascade DataHub point.
unregisterPoint - stops receiving updates from a Cascade DataHub point.
createPoint - creates a Cascade DataHub point.
writePoint - writes a new value to a Cascade DataHub point.
readPoint - gets the value of a Cascade DataHub point.
setPointLock - sets the lock attributes of a Cascade DataHub point.
setPointSecurity - sets the security attributes of a Cascade DataHub point.
appendPointValue - appends a string to a Cascade DataHub point.
addPointValue - adds a specified amount to a Cascade DataHub point value.
multiplyPointValue - multiplies a Cascade DataHub point value by a specified amount.
dividePointValue - divides the value of the named point by the specified value.