Methods and Functions from Application.g

Table of Contents

AddCustomMenuItem - a convenience method for creating a menu item.
AddCustomSubMenu - a convenience method for adding a menu.
AddMenuItem - adds a menu item and attaches code to it.
AddPermanentMenuItem - should not be used.
AddStartMenuItem - should not be used.
AddStopMenuItem - creates a menu item that destroys the running application.
AddSubMenu - creates a submenu on a parent menu.
ApplicationMultiple - allows creation of multiple instances of the class.
ApplicationSingleton - allows creation of only one instance of the class.
CreateSystemMenu - adds a submenu to the system tray menu.
droptimer - for internal use only.
OnChange - attaches an event handler to a point change event.
RemoveAllChanges - removes event handlers from all point change events.
RemoveAllEventHandlers - removes all point change events and all timers.
RemoveAllMenus - removes all script menus, submenus, and menu actions.
RemoveAllTimers - cancels all timers.
RemoveChange - removes an event handler from a point change event.
RemoveSystemMenu - for internal use only.
RemoveTimer - cancels a timer.
TimerAfter - attaches an event handler to an "after" timer.
TimerAt - attaches an event handler to an "at" timer.
TimerEvery - attaches an event handler to an "every" timer.