Chapter 3. Basic Data Types and Mechanisms

Table of Contents

3.1. Numeric Types
3.1.1. Integer
3.1.2. Real
3.1.3. Fixed-point Real
3.1.4. Number Operators
3.2. Logical Types
3.3. Strings
3.4. Lists and Arrays
3.5. Constants
3.6. Operators and Expressions
3.8. Reserved Words
3.9. Memory Management

3.1. Numeric Types

A number in Gamma is any integer, real, or fixed-point value.

3.1.1. Integer

An integer is any 32-bit integer number. Integers can be read and written in the following representations:


    Example: 45, 129000

    hexadecimal (start with 0x)

    Example: 0xf12

    octal (start with 0o)

    Example: 0o777

    binary (start with 0b)

    Example: 0b101001

    character (enclosed by ' ')

    Example: 's'

3.1.2. Real

A real number is a 64-bit double precision floating point number. It can contain a decimal point and it may end with the letter e followed by a signed exponent.

Examples: 0.1, 235.02013576, 5e-2, 3.74e-7

3.1.3. Fixed-point Real

A fixed-point real number is one that is represented by an integer, where the high 16 bits represent an integer value, and the low 16 bits represent a mantissa. There are very few reasons to work with fixed-point numbers unless floating-point error in numeric comparison is intolerable. Fixed-point numbers are created by any numeric function so long as the value of the symbol _fixed_point_ is non-nil. The default value of _fixed_point_ is nil, so that floating point numbers of type real are created by default.

3.1.4. Number Operators

The following operators can be used with numeric data:

    arithmetic (+, -, *, /, %, div)


    Gamma> 2 + 3;

    logical (!, &&, ||)


    Gamma> !2.75;

    comparison (!=, ==, <, <=, >, >= )


    Gamma> 2 != 3;

    bitwise (<<, >>, ~, &, |, ^ )


    Gamma> bin(25);
    Gamma> bin(25 << 1);