Chapter 1. Introduction

Table of Contents

1.1. Why Gamma and Photon?
1.2. Assumptions about the Reader
1.3. System Requirements
1.4. Cogent Product Integration
1.5. Where can I get help?

1.1. Why Gamma and Photon?

Gamma was originally written to develop applications in the QNX operating system. As an alternative to C, Gamma offers fast memory management, an open-event model, and run-time modifiability. Gamma draws upon the power of the QNX operating system in ways that C is not able to.

With the introduction of Photon in 1995, Gamma was expanded with an optional Photon API to take full advantage of and even extend Photon's capabilities. Today Gamma stands out as the only dynamic language available for Photon, offering a wide range of enhancements such as sub-classing of widgets, improved event-handling, highly-flexible callbacks, and code re-usability.