
mxArray — an mxArray.


class mxArray 


These methods are wrapped MATLAB methods with exactly the same name. Each is linked to the corresponding MATLAB documentation if possible.

mxArray.AddField (fieldname);
mxArray.ArrayToString ();
mxArray.ClearScalarDoubleFlag (); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxArray.DestroyArray ();
mxArray.DuplicateArray ();
mxArray.GetCell (i);
mxArray.GetClassID ();
mxArray.GetClassName ();
mxArray.GetDimensions ();
mxArray.GetElementSize ();
mxArray.GetField (i, fieldname);
mxArray.GetFieldByNumber (i, fieldnum);
mxArray.GetFieldNameByNumber (n);
mxArray.GetFieldNumber (name);
mxArray.GetM ();
mxArray.GetN ();
mxArray.GetNChars (buf, nChars); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxArray.GetNumberOfDimensions ();
mxArray.GetNumberOfElements ();
mxArray.GetNumberOfFields ();
mxArray.GetNzmax ();
mxArray.GetPi ();
mxArray.GetPr ();
mxArray.GetScalar ();
mxArray.GetString (buf, buflen);
mxArray.GetUserBits (); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxArray.IsCell ();
mxArray.IsChar ();
mxArray.IsClass (name);
mxArray.IsComplex ();
mxArray.IsDataPrivate (); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxArray.IsDouble ();
mxArray.IsEmpty ();
mxArray.IsFromGlobalWS ();
mxArray.IsFunctionHandle (); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxArray.IsInt16 ();
mxArray.IsInt32 ();
mxArray.IsInt64 ();
mxArray.IsInt8 ();
mxArray.IsLogical ();
mxArray.IsLogicalScalarTrue ();
mxArray.IsNumeric ();
mxArray.IsObject (); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxArray.IsOpaque (); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxArray.IsScalarDoubleFlagSet (); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxArray.IsSingle ();
mxArray.IsSparse ();
mxArray.IsStruct ();
mxArray.IsUint16 ();
mxArray.IsUint32 ();
mxArray.IsUint64 ();
mxArray.IsUint8 ();
mxArray.RemoveField (field);
mxArray.SetCell (i, value);
mxArray.SetClassName (classname);
mxArray.SetDataPrivateFlag (val); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxArray.SetField (i, fieldname, value);
mxArray.SetFieldByNumber (i, fieldnum, value);
mxArray.SetFromGlobalWS (global); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxArray.SetM (m);
mxArray.SetN (n);
mxArray.SetNzmax (nzmax);
mxArray.SetScalarDoubleFlag (); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxArray.SetScalarDoubleFlagIfAppropiate (); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxArray.SetUserBits (value); is not documented at the MATLAB site.


The MATLAB functions listed here are linked to the corresponding MATLAB documentation if possible. The Gamma functions are documented in this manual.

mxCreateStringFromNChars (str, n); is not documented at the MATLAB site.
mxGammaToArray (value, imaginary?=nil);
mxGetEps ();
mxGetInf ();
mxGetNaN ();
mxIsFinite (x);
mxIsInf (x);
mxIsNaN (x);