
PtGauge — A parent class for gauge widget resources.


class PtGauge PtBasic
    gauge_flags;           // flag  (Pt_ARG_GAUGE_FLAGS)    
    gauge_font;            // string  (Pt_ARG_GAUGE_FONT)    
    gauge_h_align;         // unsigned char  (Pt_ARG_GAUGE_H_ALIGN)    
    gauge_maximum;         // long  (Pt_ARG_GAUGE_MAXIMUM)    
    gauge_minimum;         // long  (Pt_ARG_GAUGE_MINIMUM)    
    gauge_orientation;     // char  (Pt_ARG_GAUGE_ORIENTATION)    
    gauge_v_align;         // unsigned char  (Pt_ARG_GAUGE_V_ALIGN)    
    gauge_value;           // long  (Pt_ARG_GAUGE_VALUE)    
    gauge_value_prefix;    // string  (Pt_ARG_GAUGE_VALUE_PREFIX)    
    gauge_value_suffix;    // string  (Pt_ARG_GAUGE_VALUE_SUFFIX)    

Base Classes

PtWidget <-- PtBasic <-- PtGauge

Derived Classes

PtScale, PtSlider, RtProgress


This class serves as a parent class of resources for gauge widgets, and is not normally instantiated.


For detailed information, please refer to PtGauge in the Photon documentation.

Instance Variables


This instance variable controls characteristics of the gauge display, and may have one of the following values:

Pt_GAUGE_MAX_ON_TOPPosition the maximum value on the top.
Pt_GAUGE_MAX_ON_BOTTOMPosition the maximum value on the bottom.
Pt_GAUGE_MAX_ON_LEFTPosition the maximum value on the left.
Pt_GAUGE_MAX_ON_RIGHTPosition the maximum value on the right.

In addition, it may have zero or more of the following values:

Pt_SHOW_VALUEDisplay the gauge value. This flag must be set in order to access the gauge_h_align or gauge_v_align variables.
Pt_VALUE_XORInvert the display and the background.


A string specifying the font to use for the gauge value, title, and any text. Default is "helv12".


This instance variable controls horizontal alignment of the value display. It requires the constant Pt_SHOW_VALUE to be set in gauge_flags, and only works with gauges that support it.

It may have one of the following values:

Pt_LEFTAlign the value display to the left edge.
Pt_RIGHTAlign the value display to the right edge.
Pt_CENTERCenter the value display horizontally.


A number specifying the gauge's maximum value.


A number specifying the gauge's minimum value.


This instance variable specifies the axis for drawing the gauge, and may have one of the following values:

Pt_VERTICALDraw gauge on vertical axis.
Pt_HORIZONTALDraw gauge on horizontal axis.


This instance variable controls vertical alignment of the value display. It requires the constant Pt_SHOW_VALUE to be set in gauge_flags, and only works with gauges that support it.

It may have one of the following values:

Pt_TOPAlign the value display to the top.
Pt_BOTTOMAlign the value display to the bottom.
Pt_CENTERCenter the value display vertically.


A number specifying the current value of the gauge.


A string that is attached to and displayed before the value of the gauge. For example, the string "Tank Level: " would give a display of Tank Level: 155.


A string that is attached to and displayed after the value of the gauge. For example, the string " cm" would give a display of 155 cm.