
PtMultiTextAttributes — the attributes of PtMultiText text.


class PtMultiTextAttributes
    background_color;    // color
    flags;               // integer
    font;                // string
    text_color;          // color


This class holds information that PtMultiText uses for formatting and displaying text.

Also see PtMultiTextAttributes in the Photon documentation.

Instance Variables


Either a number specifying a background color, or one of the following values:

Pt_INHERIT_COLORSpecifies the same background color as the previous range.
Pt_DEFAULT_COLORSpecifies the value of Pt_ARG_COLOR.

This instance variable controls text characteristics, and may be a combination of zero or more of the following flags:

Pt_HIGHLIGHTEDDraw a beveled border around the widget.
Pt_AUTOHIGHLIGHTAutomatically display/remove the highlight border as the cursor passes over the widget.
Pt_ETCH_HIGHLIGHTDraw a double bevel if Pt_HIGHLIGHTED is on.
Pt_SETMake the widget 'set'. This will invert the coloring on the bevel as well.
Pt_TOGGLEThe widget's SET flag will toggle on each mouse click instead of changing with mouse down/mouse up events.
Pt_SELECTABLEThe widget may be selected, causing Pt_CB_ARM/ACTIVATE/DISARM events.
Pt_GHOSTThe widget is displayed 'ghosted'. This does not affect its response to events.
Pt_BLOCKEDThe widget will be unresponsive to events.
Pt_REALIZEDThe widget is visible on the display.
Pt_CLIP_HIGHLIGHTThe corners of the highlight rectangle are clipped off.
Pt_OPAQUEMakes the widget opaque within its own extent and for everything behind it.
Pt_DELAY_REALIZEThe widget won't be realized except by a call to PtRealizeWidget.
Pt_GETS_FOCUSThe widget may get the keyboard focus.
Pt_MENU_BUTTONMakes the widget a menu item.
Pt_DESTROYEDMarks the widget for destruction.
Pt_DAMAGEDMarks the widget for repairs.
Pt_OBSCUREDThe widget is covered by another widget, or is outside its parent's canvas.
Pt_IN_FLUXA call to PtContainerHold has been made on the widget.
Pt_CLEARKeeps the widget's extent clear of any brothers in front of it.
Pt_DAMAGE_FAMILYThe widget and its children will be repaired.
Pt_SELECT_NOREDRAWThe widget will not redraw when it is selected.
Pt_WIDGET_REBUILDThe widget will be rebuilt once all resources have been changed.
Pt_WIDGET_RESIZEThe widget will be resized once all resources have been changed.
Pt_PROCREATEDThe widget is a procreated child of a compound widget.
Pt_ALL_BUTTONSThe widget treats events on any mouse button as a selection.
Pt_FOCUS_RENDERThe widget will attempt to indicate that it has the keyboard focus through some means.
Pt_CALLBACKS_ACTIVECallbacks for this widget will be called due to changes through code, not just due to user interactions.
Pt_MENUABLEThis widget will respond to the menu button with a Pt_CB_MENU event.
Pt_FREE_MEMORYFrees memory associated with widget pointers.
Pt_REGIONForce the widget to have a region ID.
Pt_REALIZINGThe widget is being realized.


Either a string specifying the name of a font, or one of the following values:

Pt_INHERIT_FONTSpecifies the same font as the previous range.
Pt_DEFAULT_FONTSpecifies the value of Pt_ARG_TEXT_FONT.

Either a number specifying a font color, or one of the following values:

Pt_INHERIT_COLORSpecifies the same font color as the previous range.
Pt_DEFAULT_COLORSpecifies the value of Pt_ARG_COLOR.