Appendix B. Summary of Reported Errors

This section provides a reference list of the error messages potentially generated by the Cascade Driver.

DR_API_ADMIN_ERRORS are generated by the administrator. This group includes the following:

DR_ERR_NO_USER_OBJECTNo user object to process.
DR_ERR_BAD_LICENSEInvalid license rejected.
DR_ERR_INSUF_PARMSInsufficient parms.
DR_ERR_CMD_INVALIDInvalid command: %d
DR_ERR_NO_NAMESERVERName server not running%s
DR_ERR_ATTACH_TASKNAMECould not declare name %s to qnx server.
DR_ERR_ATTACH_NAMESERVERCould not attach to nameserver.
DR_ERR_PNT_NOT_FOUNDPoint not found: %s
DR_ERR_PNT_NOT_DISABLEDPoint not disabled: %s
DR_ERR_PNT_NOT_ENABLEDpoint not enabled: %s
DR_ERR_PNT_NOT_READABLEPoint not readable: %s
DR_ERR_PNT_NOT_WRITEABLEPoint not writable: %s
DR_ERR_PNT_TYPE_UNKNOWNUnexpected point type %s: %d
DR_ERR_PNT_TYPE_NO_REPPoint type has no representation: %s %d
DR_ERR_CARD_INVALIDInvalid card: %d
DR_ERR_CARD_IO_FAILUREI/O failure (%d) on card %d
DR_ERR_CARD_IO_FAILEDI/O failure on card %d
DR_ERR_FILE_NO_ACCESSFile not found or access denied.
DR_ERR_FILE_CFGConfiguration file not found or has errors.
DR_ERR_BLK_INVALIDInvalid buffer id: %d
DR_ERR_BLK_NOT_FOUNDDev %d :buffer %d not found.
DR_ERR_BLK_OFS_INVALIDOffset %d out of range.
DR_ERR_BLK_SIZE_INVALIDSize %d out of range.
DR_ERR_BLK_TYPE_INVALIDUnknown type %s added to buffer %d:%d
DR_ERR_BLK_TYPE_CREATEFailed to create type block %s for buffer %d:%d
DR_ERR_BLK_BUFFER_SMALLMessage data buffer too small for data block of length %d
DR_ERR_INTR_ATTACH_FAILEDFailed to attach interrupt %d (errno = %d).
DR_ERR_INTR_PROXY_FAILEDFailed to attach interrupt proxy (errno = %d).
DR_ERR_INTR_CMD_INVALIDCard interrupt in use. Command ignored.

DR_API_ERRORS are generated by the API functions. This group includes the following:

DR_API_PNT_ERRPoint not accesible.
DR_API_BLK_ERRData block access error.
DR_API_BLK_OSIZE_ERRRequested block size too large.
DR_API_BLK_DATAP_ERRMissing data parm.
DR_API_BLK_NO_CARD_ERRCard not available.

The DR_API_STATUS_ERRORS indicate an error that is not sub-system specific. The DR_API_IPC_ERRORS indicate an interprocess communication error. Both groups use a specific error from the ST_STATUS group of errors. The ST_STATUS error consist of the following:

ST_OKNo error.
ST_NO_TASKNo such task.
ST_NO_MSGNo message available.
ST_WOULDBLOCKAction would block.
ST_INTRAction was interrupted.
ST_FULLQueue is full.
ST_LOCKEDPoint is locked.
ST_SECURITYInsufficient security level.
ST_NO_POINTPoint does not exist.
ST_INSIGValue change was insignificant.