File System

Table of Contents

absolute_path - returns the absolute path of the given file.
access - checks a file for various permissions.
basename - gives the base of a filename.
cd - changes the working directory.
chars_waiting - checks for characters waiting to be read on a file.
directory - returns the contents of a directory.
dirname - returns the directory path of a file.
drain - modifies end-of-file detection.
file_date - gives the file modification date.
file_size - gives the file size.
flush - flushes any pending output on a file or string.
getcwd - gets the current working directory.
is_busy - determines if a file is busy.
is_dir - determines if a file is a directory.
is_file - determines if a file exists.
is_readable - determines if a file is readable.
is_writable - determines if a file is writable.
mkdir - creates a new sub-directory.
path_node - gives the node number of a path in a QNX 2 path definition.
rename - renames a file.
root_path - strips the final file or directory name from a path.
tmpfile - generates temporary output file names.
unbuffer_file - causes a file to be treated as unbuffered on both input and output.
unlink - deletes a file.