1.4. Download and Installation

You can download Gamma from the Cogent Web Site, and then follow these instructions for installing it on your system.

Cogent software comes packaged in self-installing archives available for download, or on diskette for commerically-licensed packages. Each software package name, which we refer to in these instructions as software_package_name, contains the product name, version number, operating system and sometimes other information, and will end with either .sh.gz or .qpr. For example, gamma-4.0-bin-48-Linux.sh.gz or CascDataHub-4.0-bld10-x86-Cogent.qpr are typical package names. The installation procedure is standardized across Cogent products, but depends on the operating system.

1.4.1. QNX 4

Option A: Install the archive from diskette.

  1. Log in as root.
  2. Insert the program diskette into your QNX 4 computer.
  3. Type the command: install
    and respond to the system prompts.

Option B: Install the archive from a download or received as an e-file.

  1. Download or copy the software_package_name.sh.gz file onto your QNX 4 computer.
  2. Log in as root.
  3. Type the command: gunzip software_package_name.sh.gz
    This unzips the software package, and removes the .gz extension from the end of the filename.
  4. Type the command: sh software_package_name.sh
    and respond to the system prompts.

    If you get an error trying to install the .sh archive in QNX, please read the Installing program archives in QNX section of the Glossary, FAQ and Troubleshooting for help.

1.4.2. QNX 6

Option A: Use the QNX 6 Installer program. The Cogent repository is located at http://developers.cogentrts.com/repository.

Option B:  Download the software_package_name.qpr file using the QNX 6 Voyager browser. The archive will install automatically.

Option C: Download or copy from diskette the software_package_name.qpr file onto your QNX 6 computer. Then (as root) run the command:

qnxinstall software_package_name.qpr

and respond to the system prompts.

1.4.3. Linux

First make sure the SRR kernel module is installed. If not, it is downloadable from the SRR for Linux page of the Cogent web site. Then follow these instructions to install the software package:

  1. Download or copy from diskette the software_package_name.sh.gz file onto your Linux computer.
  2. Log in as root.
  3. Type the command: gunzip software_package_name.sh.gz
    This unzips the software package, and removes the .gz extension from the end of the filename.
  4. Type the command: sh software_package_name.sh
    and respond to the system prompts.

1.4.4. Installed file locations

On whichever OS the software is installed, all files will be written to the /usr/cogent/ directory. Depending on which packages are installed, the following subdirectories will contain the types of files shown:

bin/Binary executables.
dll/Dynamically-linked libraries.
docs/Miscellaneous documentation. (Regular documentation is downloaded separately.)
include/Header files.
lib/Cogent library files.
licenseThe license file (see below).
require/Lisp or Gamma files used by Gamma or its extensions.
src/The source code for examples, tests, tutorials, etc.

1.4.5. Installing licenses

Licenses to use the software can be purchased from Cogent. To install a license, you need to copy the license string into the /usr/cogent/license file. If this file does not exist on your system, just create one as a text file and list the license strings, one per line.