#!/usr/cogent/bin/phgamma /* * This example reads and prints a widget file locating each widget and * printing its level, type, and name on one line, followed by its resources. * The program reads a file name from the command line, using the argument * (cadr(argv)). Our test file is a window that contains one button and * two panes, each of which also contain buttons. Enter its name on the * command line as: QNX4-WidgetFiles/wgt/readtestfile.wgtw for QNX 4, or * QNX6-WidgetFiles/wgt/readtestfile.wgtw for QNX 6. */ PtInit(nil); /* * Define some PhabGet- functions. (These are scheduled to be added as * library functions in the near future). */ PhabGetTop = car; PhabGetRoot = car; PhabGetChildren = cdr; PhabGetLevel = car; PhabGetType = cadr; PhabGetName = caddr; function PhabGetResources (wgt) { caddr(cdr(wgt)); } require_lisp("PhotonWidgets"); require_lisp("PhabTemplate"); /* Check to see if there is a command-line argument. */ if (cadr(argv)) { /* * Read and print the complete widget file definition. */ defs = PhabReadWidgetFile(cadr(argv)); pretty_princ("The widget definition is:\n", defs, "\n\n"); tree = PhabGetTop(defs); /* * Make a function that deconstructs the widget file definition, * extracting each widget definition in turn, and identifying * each part of each definition. */ function print_tree(tree) { local root = PhabGetRoot(tree); local level = PhabGetLevel(root); local type = PhabGetType(root); local name = PhabGetName(root); local resources = PhabGetResources(root); princ("The ", name, " widget is type ", type, " at level ", level, ". \nIts resources are: \n"); pretty_princ(resources, "\n"); local children = PhabGetChildren(tree); if (children) { pretty_princ("Its children are:\n", children, "\n\n"); } else princ("It has no children.\n\n"); with child in children do { print_tree(child); } } /* * Call the function, then create and realize the widgets as an illustration. */ print_tree(tree); NewWindow = car(car(PhabCreateWidgets(defs, nil, nil))); NewWindow.SetPos(250,50); PtRealizeWidget(NewWindow); PtMainLoop(); } else princ("Please enter a command-line argument, such as: \n", "QNX4-WidgetFiles/wgt/readtestfile.wgtw in QNX 4, or\n", "QNX6-WidgetFiles/wgt/readtestfile.wgtw in QNX 6.\n");
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