4.10. Select and Recreate Any Widget


 * This example is similar to the previous one, in that it pulls
 * specified widgets out of an existing widget, named readtestfile.wgtw.
 * Enter the name for the widget of your choice on the command
 * line.  The possible names are: MyTestFile (brings the whole
 * widget), MainWindowButton, PaneOne, PaneOneButtonA,
 * PaneOneButtonB, PaneTwo, and PaneTwoButtonC.

 * Read the widget definitions, and access them.
file = string(_os_, "-WidgetFiles/wgt/readtestfile.wgtw");
defs = PhabReadWidgetFile(file);
treewin = car(defs);
 * Make a function that walks a widget tree and finds the widget
 * you want. (The same as in the previous example.)
function PhabLookupTree(tree,name)
    local return = nil;
    local trees;
    if (caddr(car(tree)) == name)
      return = tree;
	for (trees = cdr(tree); trees && !return; trees = cdr(trees)){
	   return = PhabLookupTree(car(trees),name);

 * Make a new window to hold the widget.
win = new(PtWindow);

exitbut = new(PtButton);
exitbut.SetPos(220, 420);
exitbut.text_string = " Exit ";

if (cadr(argv))
   * Call the PhabLookupTree function on a widget from the command line.
  read_name = symbol(cadr(argv));
  wgtdef = PhabLookupTree(treewin,read_name);
   * Transform the widget tree into a widget definition.
  wgtdef = cons(wgtdef,nil);
   * Create the widget.
  wgt = PhabCreateWidgets(wgtdef,nil,nil);	  
   * Realize the widget by realizing the window.

else princ("\nYou must enter one of the following as a command-line argument: \n",
		   "MyTestFile (brings the whole widget), MainWindowButton, PaneOne, \n",
		   "PaneOneButtonA, PaneOneButtonB, PaneTwo, and PaneTwoButtonC\n\n");