6.3. Other Functions and Methods

The following functions are not documented per se in the MySQL Online Documentation, but some of them are mentioned in context.

get_tty_password (opt_message)

See 4.3.1 GRANT and REVOKE Syntax in the MySQL documentation.

make_scrambled_password (to, password)

See 4.3.1 GRANT and REVOKE Syntax in the MySQL documentation.

my_net_init (net, vio)

Not mentioned in the MySQL documentation.

my_net_read (net)

Not mentioned in the MySQL documentation.

my_net_write (net, packet, len)

Not mentioned in the MySQL documentation.

my_thread_init ()

Not mentioned in the MySQL documentation.

scramble (to, message, password, old_ver)

Not mentioned in the MySQL documentation.

MYSQL.read_query_result ()

See mysql_use_result() in the MySQL documentation for a discussion of related topics.

MYSQL.refresh (refresh_options)

See 4.2.7 Privileges Provided by MySQL in the MySQL documentation.

MYSQL.send_query (q, length)

Not mentioned in the MySQL documentation.