Table of Contents

add_hook - hooks a function to an event.
close_task - closes a task opened by locate_task.
_destroy_task - should never be used.
init_async_ipc - requests queue information from a task.
init_ipc - sets up necessary data structures for IPC.
isend - sends a synchronous message and doesn't wait for the result.
locate_task - finds and connects to tasks by name.
locate_task_id - finds and connects to tasks by task ID and network node.
name_attach - attaches a name to a task.
nserve_query - puts information from nserve into an array.
remove_hook - removes a hooked function.
run_hooks - runs a hooked function.
send - transmits expressions for evaluation.
send_async - transmits expressions asynchronously.
send_string - transmits strings for evaluation.
send_string_async - transmits a string asynchronously.
taskdied, taskstarted - internal functions that call another function when a task starts or stops.
task_info - gets information from a task descriptor.