
DataHubBaseApplet — a base class, not instantiated.


This is a base class that should not be directly instantiated. It provides the facilities and parameters for making a connection to the DataHub to its derived classes. Every web page must contain one applet derived from DataHubBaseApplet. Currently the choices are DataHubViewer or DataHubLink.

Base Class



namestringDataHubViewerA DataHubBaseApplet publishes a name that is used by DataHubListener applets to connect with the DataHubBaseApplet. This name can be any unique string.
domainstringDataSimThis parameter determines the data domain in the DataHub that this web page will use. Currently all DataHub points on a web page must come from a single data domain. This applet will subscribe to every data point in the domain.
hoststringnullThe host name running the DataHub. Normally you should not use this parameter. The DataHubBaseApplet will compute the host name from the URL of the page. If you provide this parameter you must also ensure that the Java permissions of your web browser are appropriate to allow the browser to connect to this host.
portinteger4600The port number that the DataHub is listening on as a master for mirroring (or tunnelling).
bgcolorcolorwhiteThe background color of the applet.
fgcolorcolorblackThe foreground color of the applet.
usernamestringnullThe user name used to authenticate this connection with the DataHub.
passwordstringnullThe password used to authenticate this connection with the DataHub.