
DataHubSlider — a slider that assigns a numeric value to a DataHub point.


This applet displays a slider that allows the user to select a numeric value by interactively dragging a slider handle. The resulting value will be written to the DataHub. The data point for this applet should always have a numeric value.

Base Class



showticksbooleanfalseShows the tick marks on the slider.
showtrackbooleantrueShows a track for the pointer.
invertedbooleanfalseInverts the maximum and minimum values.
snaptoticksbooleanfalseCauses the handle to snap to the tick marks while dragging.
majortickdouble50The numerical increment for each major tick.
minortickdouble10The numerical increment for each minor tick.
orientationstring (horizontal or vertical)horizontalThe orientation of the slider, one of horizontal or vertical.
minnumber0The lower bound for the range of the slider.
maxnumber100The upper bound for the range of the slider.
Inherited - - All parameters from DataHubListener