allow_self_reference — permits changes to be written back to the point of origin.
allow_self_reference (symbol, allow)
Any valid Gamma symbol.
1 or any other non-zero value allows self-referential behavior; 0 disallows it.
This function tells Gamma not to generate a warning if a change function like on_change causes a sequence of events that changes the original point again.
This example is from LinearXform.g.
method LinearXform.AddLinearXform (app, src, dst, mult, add, bidirectional_p?=nil) { app.OnChange (src, `(@self).cbLinearXform (#@dst, value, @mult, @add)); if (bidirectional_p && mult != 0) { allow_self_reference (src, 1); allow_self_reference (dst, 1); app.OnChange (dst, `(@self).cbLinearXform (#@src, value, 1/@mult, (@-add)/(@mult))); } }
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