
DH_Item — the structure of a DataHub point.


class DH_Item
    canonical_type;     // number: The canonical VARIANT type
    conf;               // number: confidence (0-100)
    domain;             // string: The domain name
    flags;              // number: flags describing the point
    n_aliases;          // number of aliases for this point
    n_attributes;       // number of attributes this point has
    n_pending;          // number of clients with a change pending
    n_properties;       // number of properties this point has
    n_registered;       // number of clients registered for changes
    n_subassemblies;    // number of subassemblies this point has
    name;               // string: name of the point, without the domain
    opcaccessrights;    // number: read/write flags
    propid;             // number: property id if applicable
    quality;            // number: OPC item quality
    security;           // number: security level (not used)
    timestamp;          // number: time stamp in Windows epoch time
    value;              // variant: the point value

Instance Variables


This instance variable may be a combination of zero or more of the following flags.

0x00001READABLEItem is readable.
0x00002WRITABLEItem is writable.
0x00004LOCKEDItem is locked (not used).
0x00008PROPERTYItem is a property of another point.
0x00010SUBASSEMBLYItem is a subassembly of another point.
0x00020ASSEMBLYItem is an assembly.
0x00040ATTRIBUTEItem is an attribute of another point.
0x00080TYPEItem is an attribute type.
0x00100ACTIVEItem is active.
0x00200PRIVATE_ATTRIBUTEItem is a private attribute of a type.
0x00800HIDDENItem is hidden.
0x01000AUTO_IDItem was assigned a propid automatically.
0x40000TEMP_VALUEItem's value is temporary, probably Not Connected assigned by an interface becoming disconnected.