
ODBCStatement — allocates a statement handle.


class ODBCStatement ODBCHandle

Base Classes

ODBCHandle <-- ODBCStatement


This class allocates a statement handle. It corresponds to using the value SQL_HANDLE_STMT for the HandleType of the SQLAllocHandle function.

Class Members

These functions are identical to the corresponding C or C++ functions, as noted.

Cancel ()

corresponds to SQLCancel.

CloseCursor ()

corresponds to SQLCloseCursor.

Columns (CatalogName, SchemaName, TableName, ColumnName)

corresponds to SQLColumns.

ExecDirect (StatementText)

corresponds to SQLExecDirect.

Execute ()

corresponds to SQLExecute.

Fetch ()

corresponds to SQLFetch.

FetchScroll (FetchOrientation, FetchOffset)

corresponds to SQLFetchScroll.

FreeStmt (Option)

corresponds to SQLFreeStmt.

GetResultData ()

corresponds to SQLGetData.

Prepare (StatementText)

corresponds to SQLPrepare.

PrimaryKeys (CatalogName, SchemaName, TableName)

corresponds to SQLPrimaryKeys.

RowCount (StatementText)

corresponds to SQLRowCount.

Tables (CatalogName, SchemaName, TableName, TableType)

corresponds to SQLTables.

(The following functions are inherited from: ODBCHandle)

GetDiagRec ()

corresponds to SQLGetDiagRec.