
apropos — lists all driver commands.


(apropos [pattern [start [count]]])



(Optional) A string containing a pattern to be matched against command names. Supports * and ? wildcard characters. The default is "*" to retrieve all names.


(Optional) An index into the sorted list of all names matching the pattern, specifying the first name to be returned. The default is 0, the first name.


(Optional) The number of names, from the sorted list of all names matching the pattern, that are to be returned. The default is all the remaining names (from start) up to the limit of the message (IPC) buffer size.


A list of the command names on success, formatted as :

(apropos name1 ... nameN)

otherwise (error).


This command provides a list of all the commands available in the driver. The names returned includes those defined by using the type command or the define command.

The start and count parameters can be used to retrieve lists of command names that exceed the size of the message (IPC) buffer. The driver automatically determines the size of the buffer available, and guarantees that a well-formed response containing whole consecutive names are returned. An optimum approach to transferring long lists of names is to omit the count parameter, leaving the driver to return the maximum number of names, then parsing the response to determine the count returned, and incrementing the start parameter by that number.


> (apropos "attach*")
(apropos attachName attachNS)