
attachNS — attaches the driver to the Cascade NameServer.


(attachNS [name])



A driver name to publish to the Cascade NameServer. Although this parameter is optional for backwards-compatibility, the command will effectively do nothing if a name parameter is not supplied.


OK if successful, otherwise

(error "attachNS DR_ERR_ATTACH_NAMESERVER (time)
Could not attach to nameserver")


To communicate with the driver from the Cogent C API (see DR_ApiInitIPC in the Cogent C API manual), you must publish the driver name to the Cascade NameServer (nserve). The driver automatically makes itself known to the Cascade NameServer using either the default name (dr/cif) or the name specified by the driver command line option (-n).

The attachNS command allows an alternate (additional) name to be published, if desired. The driver can publish multiple names by invoking this command multiple times.

This command is normally invoked from the configuration file.


(attachNS io1)