
bufferDescribe — verifies the allocation of data buffers.


(bufferDescribe card_id [buf_id])



The target card ID (0..3).


(Optional) The ID of the buffer to be described. If not specified, then all available buffers are queried.


If buf_id was specified:

(bufferDescribe card_id bufi)

Or, if buf_id was not specified:

(bufferDescribe card_id buf0...bufN)

The description of each buffer, bufi, is provided as

(buf_idi sizei offseti data_usedi)

where size is in bytes, offset is the internal buffer location in hex (the user cannot control this), and data_used is the portion of the card buffer that is mirrored within the driver (see the bufferActiveLength command).

Otherwise, the following error message:

(error "bufferDescribe DR_ERR_CARD_INVALID (time) invalid card: card_id")


This command can be used to verify the allocation of the various data buffers.


The following example shows a query on the buffers of card 0. The return indicates that the card is a 2K card, with 512 bytes for each of the input and output buffers.

> (bufferDescribe 0)
(bufferDescribe 0 (0 512 0x0000 32) (1 512 0x0000 32))