
group — creates a point of type group.


(group enable_flag name address read_write_mode cycle_millisecs point ...)



The initial value of enabled status of the point. t will cause the point to be initially enabled. f will cause the point to be initially disabled. (see enable and disable commands).


The name of the group.


The address of the group, if required. Some devices require an associated address for reading or writing a block of data. For many cards this value is zero.


R, W, or RW (case-insensitive) to specify the group as read-only, write-only, or read-write respectively. Write-only points cannot be added to a group with read-only or read-write attributes. When a writeable point is added to a writeable group, any changes to the point's value do not take effect until the group is written (points are normally written immediately). It is very uncommon to have a read-write group.


The cycle (or heartbeat) time in milliseconds associated with the group, upon which automatic reading or writing is performed. Typically, points are read or written in groups, and the individual cycle time for each point is set to 0.


If set, the point is registered for exceptions with the Cascade DataHub (if active).

point ...

A list of point names to be included in the group


OK or (error)


This command creates a point of type group. This is an internal type for grouping points together for reading and writing.

This command is normally executed from the configuration file.


(group t Digital-Inputs 0 r  100 Pushbutton Button 2 Button 3)
(group t Lights 0 w  100  red-light green-light blue-light)