PhabCreateWidgets (widget_defs, parent, name_prefix)
A list of widget definitions most likely generated using the library functions PhabLoad or PhabReadWidgetFile and its related functions.
The parent for the new widgets. Pass nil for no parent.
A string prefix to use when creating names for newly created widgets. Pass nil to use existing widget names.
This function is used when creating new windows from a window definition. Typically, but not necessarily, the window template is created using PhAB. New names are optionally given to each window widget.
This example, ex_PhabCreateWidgets.g, is included in the product distribution.
#!/usr/cogent/bin/phgamma /* This example reads a widget file that contains 8 buttons with .gif images on them. It creates the widgets and puts them into two windows. The first window contains all of the widgets, while the second window contains a widget of your choice, which you can enter as the third argument on the command line. To run this example, you must be in a directory that can access the .wgt file. The example takes an argument, <button name>, which can be one of: Go, Stop, Pause, Done, Increase, Decrease, Left or Right. */ arg = string(cadr(argv)); if(string_p(arg)) { if((strcmp(arg, "Go") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "Stop") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "Pause") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "Done") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "Increase") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "Decrease") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "Left") == 0) || (strcmp(arg, "Right") == 0)) { PtInit(nil); /* * Rename some car/cdr functions to facilitate understanding. */ PhabGetTop = car; PhabGetRoot = car; PhabGetChildren = cdr; PhabGetLevel = car; PhabGetType = cadr; PhabGetName = caddr; require_lisp("PhotonWidgets.lsp"); require_lisp("PhabTemplate.lsp"); /* * Read the widget definitions, and access them. */ file = string(_os_, "-WidgetFiles/wgt/buttons.wgtw"); defs = PhabReadWidgetFile(file); tree = PhabGetTop(defs); children = PhabGetChildren(tree); /* * Make a function to index the buttons by number. */ function index_buttons(buttons) { local index = 1; indexlist = list(); with button in buttons do { local name = PhabGetName(car(button)); local name = PhabGetName(car(button)); indexlist = cons(list(name, index), indexlist); index ++; } indexlist; } /* * Make a function to look up a requested button. */ function lookup (name, list) { car(assoc(name, list)); } /* * Make a new window, create all the buttons, and display them * in the window. */ win = new(PtWindow); win.SetArea(100,50,120,500); win.title = "All"; for (i=0;i<8;i++) { eachbut = car(car(PhabCreateWidgets(list(car(nth_cdr(children,i))) ,nil,nil))); eachbut.SetPos(25, (i * 60)); PtRealizeWidget(eachbut); PtExtentWidget(win); } /* * Find the requested button. */ buttonlist = index_buttons(children); argument = cadr(argv); found = lookup(symbol(argument), buttonlist); index = cadr(found) - 1; /* * Make a new window, create the requested button, and display it. */ win2 = new(PtWindow); win2.SetArea(250,50,100,140); win2.title = "Request"; anybut = car(car(PhabCreateWidgets(list(car(nth_cdr(children,index))) ,nil,nil))); anybut.SetPos(20, 20); exitbut = new(PtButton); exitbut.SetArea(30, 100, 40, 25); exitbut.text_string = "Exit"; PtAttachCallback(exitbut,Pt_CB_ACTIVATE,#exit_program(1)); PtRealizeWidget(win); PtMainLoop(); } else princ ("Please enter an argument, one of: Go Stop Pause Done Increase Decrease Left Right \n"); } else princ ("Please enter an argument, one of: Go Stop Pause Done Increase Decrease Left Right \n");
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