
PtBarGraph — A bar graph.


class PtBarGraph PtBasic
    bargraph_base;          // short
    bargraph_color;         // color array
    bargraph_data;          // bar data array
    bargraph_depth;         // short
    bargraph_flags;         // flag 
    bargraph_grid_color;    // color
    bargraph_grid_horiz;    // short
    bargraph_grid_vert;     // short
    bargraph_max;           // short
    bargraph_min;           // short

Base Classes

PtWidget <-- PtBasic <-- PtBarGraph


This widget creates a bar graph from a data array. It features an adjustable baseline, user-assigned bar colors, and an optional grid. The bars automatically adjust their width to fill the width of the widget.


This widget does not appear in the Photon documentation.

Instance Variables


A number specifying a baseline for the graph display. Any bargraph_data value lower than the baseline value will display a bar going down from the baseline, while any bargraph_data value greater than the baseline will display a bar going up from the baseline. The default baseline is 0.


An array of numbers specifying colors for each value in bargraph_data. The default color is red, but if at least one color is assigned, Gamma chooses among several shades of blue, grey and black for the remaining colors.


An array of numbers corresponding to the data to be graphed.


An integer specifying the depth of the highlighted border to give to each bar. Default is 0.


Flags that allow you to specify various options, of which only one is currently available.

This instance variable may be a combination of zero or more of the following flags:

Pt_BARGRAPH_GRIDPuts a grid on the bargraph. Default is ON.


An integer specifying the color of the grid lines, displayed if the Pt_BARGRAPH_GRID flag is set on the bargraph_flags variable. Default is 0x606060 (dark grey).


An integer specifying the number of horizontal grid lines if a grid is to be displayed. Default is 6.


An integer specifying the number of vertical grid lines if a grid is to be displayed. Default is 6.


An integer specifying the maximum value for the graph. Bars for numbers above this value will be truncated at the top of the graph. The highest allowable value is 32,767, which is also the default.


An integer specifying the minimum value for the graph. Bars for numbers below this range will be truncated at the bottom of the graph. The lowest allowable value is -32,768, which is also the default.


This example, ex_PtBarGraph.g, is included in the product distribution.


 * This example demonstrates a PtBarGraph, using data with steadily
 * decreasing values. The baseline is set to -50, and green_tinted colors
 * have been specified for all the positive numbers.  The 39 horizontal
 * grid lines divide the graph into 40 equal horizontal sections, while
 * the 8 vertical gridlines make 9 equal vertical sections.

win = new(PtWindow);
win.SetDim (325,325);

bgf = new(PtBarGraph);
bgf.SetArea (10,10,300,300);
bgf.fill_color = 0xaabfaa;
bgf.bargraph_base = -50;
bgf.bargraph_color = array(0xcceecc, 0xaaeeaa, 0x77ee77, 0x55ee55);
bgf.bargraph_data = array(150,100,50,25,0,-25,-50,-100,-150);
bgf.bargraph_depth = 3;
bgf.bargraph_flags = Pt_BARGRAPH_GRID;
bgf.bargraph_grid_color = 0x00aaff;
bgf.bargraph_grid_horiz = 8;
bgf.bargraph_grid_vert = 39;
bgf.bargraph_max = 200;
bgf.bargraph_min = -200;

