
PtButton — A push-button used to initiate a callback.


class PtButton PtLabel
    arm_color;    // color  (Pt_ARG_ARM_COLOR)    
    arm_fill;     // unsigned char  (Pt_ARG_ARM_FILL)    
    arm_image;    // PhImage  (Pt_ARG_ARM_DATA)    

Base Classes

PtWidget <-- PtBasic <-- PtLabel <-- PtButton


This widget is a button that can be used to initiate actions in Gamma, usually through callbacks. When a button is pressed (the mouse button is held down on it), it is armed, and its color becomes shaded. As a child of the PtLabel class, a PtButton inherits the label_type variable, which allows you to put text strings, images, and bitmaps on it. What's more, you can have a PtButton change its color or image when it is armed, by setting its own instance variables.


For detailed information, please refer to PtButton in the Photon documentation.

Instance Variables


An integer specifying the color to change the button to when it is pressed. Default is 0xaaaaaa (dark grey).


An integer specifying whether or not the arm_color will be used. 1 (the default) means yes, 0 means no.


A PhImage to display when the button is pressed.