
PtDBContainer — A double-buffered container that eliminates screen flicker.


class PtDBContainer PtContainer
    db_image_type;        // integer  (Pt_ARG_DB_IMAGE_TYPE)    
    memory_image_type;    // integer  (Pt_ARG_DB_MEMORY_CONTEXT_TYPE)    

Base Classes

PtWidget <-- PtBasic <-- PtContainer <-- PtDBContainer


This widget is a special sub-class of PtContainer that allocates extra memory (double buffer) to eliminate screen flicker for child widgets and animations.


For detailed information, please refer to PtDBContainer in the Photon documentation.

Instance Variables


This instance variable specifies the image format, and may have one of the following values:

Pg_IMAGE_PALETTE_BYTEAn image format indexed directly to the current palette, using 1 pixel per byte, for up to 256 colors. This is the default.
Pg_IMAGE_DIRECT_888An image format consisting of an array of 4-byte color entries, in the format [r g b x], where x is reserved.


This instance variable specifies when an image is drawn to memory, and may have one of the following values:

Pm_PHS_CONTEXTKeeps the image in the PHS (Photon draw stream) as long as possible. This is the default.
Pm_IMAGE_CONTEXTImmediately draws to the memory image.