
PtFileSelCallback — file selection callback information.


class PtFileSelCallback
    item;        // PtFileSelItem
    nitems;      // unsigned integer
    reason;      // short
    sel_mode;    // unsigned integer


This class holds information from a Pt_CB_FS_STATE or Pt_CB_FS_SELECTION callback. These callbacks are generated when a file is selected in a PtFileSel.

Also see Pt_CB_FS_STATE or Pt_CB_FS_SELECTION in the PtFileSel section of the Photon documentation.

Instance Variables


A PtFileSelItem that has been selected.


Used by Pt_CB_FS_SELECTION only; the number of items selected.


Used by Pt_CB_FS_STATE only; one of the following constants is possible:

Pt_FS_STATE_STARTThe callback is being called before the disk is read.
Pt_FS_STATE_ENDThe callback is being called after the disk is read.

An integer specifying the selection mode, which can be one or more of the following:

Pt_BROWSE_MODEClick with mouse or drag and release to select one item.
Pt_MULTIPLE_MODESelect multiple items by clicking on them. A second click releases the item.
Pt_EXTENDED_MODEShift click to select a range, Ctrl click to select disjoint items.
Pt_SINGLE_MODESelect one item at a time. Selecting a second item releases the first.
Pt_RANGE_MODEPress, drag, and release mouse to select a range of items.

Associated Classes

PtFileSel, PtFileSelBkgdCallback, PtCallbackInfo