
PtFolderTab — A tab for accessing folder contents.


class PtFolderTab PtBasic
    foldertab_text_font;      // string
    foldertab_text_string;    // string

Base Classes

PtWidget <-- PtBasic <-- PtFolderTab


This widget is a tab that appears at the top of a PtFolder and gives access to the contents of the folder. Each PtFolderTab needs a PtPane as its first child. Clicking on the tab brings the PtPane to the front of the folder.

This widget is designed to toggle between "set" and "not set" each time it is selected. So, the first time you click on it, the folder will "open" to that tab setting. The next time you click on it, the folder will "close". If you prefer that the folder stay open to a tab no matter how many times it is clicked, you can incorporate into your code the do_not_unset function shown in the PtFolder Example.


This widget does not appear in the Photon documentation.

Instance Variables


A string specifying the font of the tab text. Default is "helv14".


A string comprising the text string of the tab. Default is "Tab".


See the example in PtFolder.


The following callback is associated with this widget:

Pt_CB_FOLDER_TAB_SELECTEDThis callback is generated when a tab is selected.

See Also

PtFolder, PtPane