
PtScrollbarCallback — handle movement callback information.


class PtScrollbarCallback
    action;      // unsigned integer
    position;    // integer


This class holds information from Pt_CB_SCROLL_MOVE (in PtScrollbar) as well as Pt_CB_SCROLLED_X and Pt_CB_SCROLLED_Y (in PtScrollArea). These callbacks are generated when the position of the handle of a scrollbar is changed.

Also see Pt_CB_SCROLL_MOVE in the PtScrollbar section, or Pt_CB_SCROLLED_X in the PtScrollArea section, of the Photon documentation.

Instance Variables


This instance variable monitors the action of the scrollbar handle, and takes one of the following values:

Pt_SCROLL_INCREMENTThe scrollbar handle has moved down or right by one increment.
Pt_SCROLL_DECREMENTThe scrollbar handle has moved up or left by one increment.
Pt_SCROLL_PAGE_INCREMENTThe scrollbar handle has moved down or right by the equivalent of one page.
Pt_SCROLL_PAGE_DECREMENTThe scrollbar handle has moved up or left by the equivalent of one page.
Pt_SCROLL_TO_MAXThe scrollbar handle has moved to the bottom or far right.
Pt_SCROLL_TO_MINThe scrollbar handle has moved to the top or far left.
Pt_SCROLL_DRAGGEDThe scrollbar handle is being dragged.
Pt_SCROLL_RELEASEDThe scrollbar handle has been released from a drag.
Pt_SCROLL_SETThe scrollbar handle position was set with a function call.

An integer specifying the position of the scrollbar handle.

Associated Classes

PtScrollbar, PtCallbackInfo