
PtSlider — A sliding-scale input mechanism.


class PtSlider PtGauge
    slider_flags;             // flag  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_FLAGS)    
    slider_handle_height;     // unsigned short  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_HANDLE_HEIGHT)    
    slider_handle_width;      // unsigned short  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_HANDLE_WIDTH)    
    slider_image;             // PhImage  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_IMAGE)    
    slider_increment;         // unsigned short  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_INCREMENT)    
    slider_label_br;          // string  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_LABEL_BR)    
    slider_label_br_col;      // color  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_LABEL_BR_COL)    
    slider_label_tl;          // string  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_LABEL_TL)    
    slider_label_tl_col;      // color  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_LABEL_TL_COL)    
    slider_multiple;          // unsigned short  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_MULTIPLE)    
    slider_tick_major_col;    // color  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_TICK_MAJOR_COL)    
    slider_tick_major_div;    // long  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_TICK_MAJOR_DIV)    
    slider_tick_major_len;    // unsigned short  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_TICK_MAJOR_LEN)    
    slider_tick_minor_col;    // color  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_TICK_MINOR_COL)    
    slider_tick_minor_div;    // long  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_TICK_MINOR_DIV)    
    slider_tick_minor_len;    // unsigned short  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_TICK_MINOR_LEN)    
    slider_trough_col;        // color  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_TROUGH_COL)    
    slider_trough_size;       // unsigned short  (Pt_ARG_SLIDER_TROUGH_SIZE)    

Base Classes

PtWidget <-- PtBasic <-- PtGauge <-- PtSlider


This widget is a sliding scale that accepts numerical data input in analog fashion. It consists of a handle that moves along a trough and points to optional tick marks.


For detailed information, please refer to PtSlider in the Photon documentation.

Instance Variables


This instance variable specifies the location of the tick marks, and may be a combination of zero or more of the following flags:

Pt_TICKS_ON_TOPPut the scale marks on top of the trough.
Pt_TICKS_ON_LEFTPut the scale marks to the left of the trough.
Pt_TICKS_ON_BOTTOMPut the scale marks on the bottom of the trough.
Pt_TICKS_ON_RIGHTPut the scale marks to the right of the trough.
Pt_TICKS_TOUCH_TROUGHMake the scale marks touch the trough.
Pt_TICKS_ETCHED_INGive the scale marks an etched-in appearance.
Pt_TICKS_ETCHED_OUTGive the scale marks an etched-out appearance.
Pt_SLIDER_POINT_LEFTThe handle will point left.
Pt_SLIDER_POINT_UPThe handle will point up.
Pt_SLIDER_POINT_RIGHTThe handle will point right.
Pt_SLIDER_POINT_DOWNThe handle will point down.
Pt_SLIDER_IMAGEThe slider handle is an image specified by slider_image..
Pt_SLIDER_MASKInternal informational bit.

slider_handle_height , slider_handle_width

A number of pixels specifying the height or width of the handle. Defaults are 40 and 15 respectively.


A PhImage to display on the handle. You must set the slider_flags Pt_SLIDER_IMAGE in order to use this variable.


An integer specifying the increment for the slider to move when the arrow keys are pressed. Default is 1.


A string comprising the label to display on the bottom or right of the slider, depending on its orientation.


A number specifying the color of the bottom or right label. Default is 0x0 (black).


A string comprising the label to display on the top or left of the slider, depending on its orientation.


A number specifying the color of the top or left label. Default is 0x0 (black).


An integer specifying the increment for the slider to move when you press PgUp or PgDn, or click on the trough. Default is 0.

slider_tick_major_col , slider_tick_minor_col

A number specifying a color for the major or minor ticks. Default is 0x0 (black).


The number of major tick divisions. Default is 10.

slider_tick_major_len , slider_tick_minor_len

A number of pixels specifying the length of the major or minor ticks. Defaults are 10 and 0 respectively.


The number of minor tick divisions per major division. Default is 0.


A number specifying the color of the trough. Default is 0xc0c0c0 (grey).


A number of pixels specifying the width of the trough. Default is 4.


The following callback is associated with this widget:

Pt_CB_SLIDER_MOVEThis callback is generated when the position of the slider handle changes.

Associated Classes

PtSliderCallback, PtCallbackInfo