
PtTrend — A graph for displaying real-time trends (in QNX 6).


class PtTrend PtBasic
    trend_data;        // array of arrays of integer  (Pt_ARG_TREND_DATA)    
    trend_flags;       // flag  (Pt_ARG_TREND_FLAGS)    
    trend_attributes;    // integer array  (Pt_ARG_TREND_ATTRIBUTES)    
    trend_color_list;    // color array  (Pt_ARG_TREND_COLOR_LIST)    
    trend_count;         // integer  (Pt_ARG_TREND_COUNT)    
    trend_grid_color;    // color  (Pt_ARG_TREND_GRID_COLOR)    
    trend_grid_x;        // short  (Pt_ARG_TREND_GRID_X)    
    trend_grid_y;        // short  (Pt_ARG_TREND_GRID_Y)    
    trend_inc;           // short  (Pt_ARG_TREND_INC)    
    trend_max;           // short  (Pt_ARG_TREND_MAX)    
    trend_min;           // short  (Pt_ARG_TREND_MIN)    

Base Classes

PtWidget <-- PtBasic <-- PtTrend


This widget is a real-time trend display that can plot multiple trends and display them in a moving format, to show changes over time. The QNX 4 version of this widget is RtTrend.


For detailed information, please refer to PtTrend in the Photon documentation.

Instance Variables


An array of data arrays. Each data array corresponds to one trend line on the display.


Flags that specify grid characteristics and direction. If any of these flags is set incorrectly, the widget will not display any trends.


The grid options are only supported by 8-bit graphics environments, and only on some graphics cards.

This instance variable may be a combination of zero or more of the following flags:

Pt_GRIDDraws a grid. This flag requires exactly one of Pt_GRID_IS_TRANSLUCENT, Pt_GRID_ABOVE_TRENDS, or Pt_TRENDS_ABOVE_GRID to be set as well.
Pt_GRID_IS_TRANSLUCENTMakes the grid that was set using Pt_GRID appear to be translucent.
Pt_GRID_ABOVE_TRENDSMakes the grid that was set using Pt_GRID appear to be superimposed over the trends.
Pt_GRID_FORCEForces drawing the grid, despite possible flickering effect due to poor hardware support.
Pt_PIXELThe grid is drawn using a pixel array instead of vector graphics.
Pt_TRENDS_ABOVE_GRIDMakes the grid that was set using Pt_GRID appear to be underneath the trends.
Pt_TREND_HORIZONTALCauses the trend to move horizontally. This flag requires exactly one of Pt_TREND_LEFT_TO_RIGHT or Pt_TREND_RIGHT_TO_LEFT.
Pt_TREND_VERTICALCauses the trend to move vertically. This flag requires exactly one of Pt_TREND_TOP_TO_BOTTOM or Pt_TREND_BOTTOM_TO_TOP.
Pt_LEFT_TO_RIGHTSets the direction for Pt_TREND_HORIZONTAL.
Pt_RIGHT_TO_LEFTSets the direction for Pt_TREND_HORIZONTAL.
Pt_TOP_TO_BOTTOMSets the direction for Pt_TREND_VERTICAL.
Pt_BOTTOM_TO_TOPSets the direction for Pt_TREND_VERTICAL.


An array that indexes the trend_color_list. Index numbers are consecutive integers starting with 0, and each number points to an element of the trend_color_list. Default is nil.


An array of colors to be used for plotting trend lines. Default array has a single number: [16711680], which equals 0xff0000 (red).


An integer specifying the number of trends.


A number specifying the color of the grid to be used if the Pt_GRID flag is set in the pttrend_flags variable. Default is 0xc0c0c0 (grey).


A number specifying the number of vertical grid lines to be used if the Pt_GRID flag is set in the pttrend_flags variable. Default is 5.


A number specifying the number of horizontal grid lines to be used if the Pt_GRID flag is set in the rttrend_flags variable. Default is 5.


A number specifying the spacing of the plotted points along the moving axis. Default is 1.


A number specifying the maximum value for the display. Default is 32,767.


A number specifying the maximum value for the display. Default is -32,768.


Here is a very simple example of an PtTrend widget. For more complex examples, see the Gamma demos cpumem and trend. This example, ex_Trend.g, is included in the product distribution.


 * This example illustrates an RtTrend in QNX 4, or a PtTrend in QNX 6,
 * by creating and displaying a sine function.  

wfile = PhabReadWidgetFile (string(_os_, "-WidgetFiles/wgt/trend.wgtw"));
window = PhabCreateWidgets(wfile, nil, nil);
win = PhabLookupWidget(window,#trend,nil);
tr = PhabLookupWidget(window,#Trend,nil);
ebut = PhabLookupWidget(window,#TrendExitButton,nil);
PtAttachCallback(ebut, Pt_CB_ACTIVATE, #exit_program(1));

Values := make_array (1);
valarray = make_array (1);

 * Make a function to generate a trend.

Sinex = 0;

function Sine (inc, max, min)
	local		temp = sin (Sinex), diff = (max - min) / 2;
	Sinex = Sinex + inc;
	temp * diff + min + diff;

Trend = list (Sine, 0.07, 550, 250);

 * Make a function to evaluate the trend.

function FillTrend ()
  valarray[0] = eval(Trend);
  Values[0] = valarray;
  if (_os_ == "QNX4")
    tr.rttrend_data = Values;
  else if (_os_ == "QNX6")
    tr.trend_data = Values;

 * Set up the trend.

tr.trend_max = 800;
tr.trend_min = 0;

 * Start an update timer, and loop forever.

every (.03, #FillTrend());
