
PtUpDown — A pair of buttons that increment and decrement a value.


class PtUpDown PtContainer
    updown_arm_data_bottom;        // PhImage  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_ARM_DATA_BOTTOM)    
    updown_arm_data_left;          // PhImage  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_ARM_DATA_LEFT)    
    updown_arm_data_right;         // PhImage  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_ARM_DATA_RIGHT)    
    updown_arm_data_top;           // PhImage  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_ARM_DATA_TOP)    
    updown_bottom_border_color;    // color  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_BOTTOM_BORDER_COLOR)    
    updown_data_bottom;            // PhImage  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_DATA_BOTTOM)    
    updown_data_left;              // PhImage  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_DATA_LEFT)    
    updown_data_right;             // PhImage  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_DATA_RIGHT)    
    updown_data_top;               // PhImage  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_DATA_TOP)    
    updown_fill_color;             // color  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_FILL_COLOR)    
    updown_flags;                  // flag  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_FLAGS)    
    updown_highlight_round;        // unsigned short  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_HIGHLIGHT_ROUND)    
    updown_margin_height;          // unsigned short  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_MARGIN_HEIGHT)    
    updown_margin_width;           // unsigned short  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_MARGIN_WIDTH)    
    updown_orientation;            // integer  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_ORIENTATION)    
    updown_spacing;                // unsigned integer  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_SPACING)    
    updown_top_border_color;       // color  (Pt_ARG_UPDOWN_TOP_BORDER_COLOR)    

Base Classes

PtWidget <-- PtBasic <-- PtContainer <-- PtUpDown


This widget is a pair of horizontal or vertical buttons that are used to increment and decrement values. The button appearance and images can be modified in a variety of ways.


For detailed information, please refer to PtUpDown in the Photon documentation.

Instance Variables

updown_arm_data_bottom , updown_arm_data_left , updown_arm_data_right , updown_arm_data_top

A PhImage to be displayed on the bottom, left, right, or top button when it is pressed.


A number specifying the color of the bottom and right borders. Default is 0x0 (black).

updown_data_bottom , updown_data_left , updown_data_right , updown_data_top

A PhImage to be displayed on the bottom, left, right, or top button.


A number specifying the color of the space between the buttons (if any) and/or of the margins (if any). Default is 0xffffffff (transparent).


This instance variable controls various characteristics of the widget, and may be a combination of zero or more of the following flags:

Pt_HIGHLIGHTEDGives the widget a beveled or etched border highlight (usually beveled).
Pt_ETCH_HIGHLIGHTGives the widget an etched border highlight.
Pt_CLIP_HIGHLIGHTCuts off the corners of the highlight rectangle.
Pt_BLOCKEDBlocks interaction with Photon events for widget and non-window children.
Pt_MENUABLEEnables menu callbacks for right-button mouse clicks.
Pt_GETS_FOCUSPermits focusing on widget, as appropriate.


A number of pixels specifying the radius for rounding the corners of the margins. Default is 0. The corners of the buttons themselves do not get rounded using this variable.

updown_margin_height , updown_margin_width

A number of pixels specifying a margin (height or width) around the widget. Default is 0.


This instance variable may have one of the following values:

Pt_VERTICALThe arrows point vertically (the default).
Pt_HORIZONTALThe arrows point horizontally.


A number of pixels specifying the distance to separate the buttons. Default is 0.


A number specifying the color of the top and left borders.