
PxConfigDeleteEntry, PxConfigDeleteSection — delete entries and sections.


PxConfigDeleteEntry (section, entry)
PxConfigDeleteSection (section)




The name of the section, as a string.


The name of the entry, as a string.


-1 if the entry or section was deleted or doesn't exist, or 0 on failure.


These functions delete configuration entries or whole sections. The configuration file must first be opened with a call to PxConfigOpen with the mode set to PXCONFIG_WRITE. PxConfigDeleteSection deletes all entries of the section up to the beginning of the next section or the end of the file, and clears the internal current section.


This example, ex_PxConfigDelete.g, and its configuration file (configtest.txt) are included in the product distribution. A copy of the configtext.txt configuration file is shown in the PxConfigRead reference page.


system("echo \n");
system("echo Copying config file to new file to run tests.");
system("cp configtest.txt configtest2.txt");
system("echo \n");
system("echo --------- Start example ----------");

op = PxConfigOpen("configtest2.txt", PXCONFIG_WRITE);
princ("\nOpened? (0 = no, -1 = yes): ", op,"\n");

princ("Section deleted? (0 = no, -1 = yes): ", PxConfigDeleteSection("Section Three"),"\n");
princ("Entry deleted? (0 = no, -1 = yes): ", PxConfigDeleteEntry("Section Four", "LineTwo"),"\n");

a = PxConfigNextString(20);
for (a; a != nil; a = PxConfigNextString(20))
  princ("Next string: ", a,"\n");

a = princ("Next section? ",PxConfigNextSection(),"\n");

cl = PxConfigClose();
princ("Closed? (0 = no, -1 = yes): ", cl,"\n");

system("echo \n");
system("echo --------- End example ----------");
system("echo \n");
system("echo Running diff to compare old and new config files:");
system("diff configtest.txt configtest2.txt");
system("echo \n");
system("echo Removing new config file.");
system("rm configtest2.txt");
system("echo \n");

See Also

In Photon documentation: PxConfigDeleteEntry, PxConfigDeleteSection.