
qnx_reply — replies to qnx_receive messages.


qnx_reply (taskid, message)




The task which will get the reply.


A string containing the reply.


Returns zero on success and -1 on failure. Errno is set on error.


The qnx_reply function is a wrap of the C function Reply. Any message that you receive using the qnx_receive function should be replied to. This function should only be used if you are also using qnx_receive. The event handling functions next_event, next_event_nb, and PtMainLoop are the preferred choice for Gamma programs since that automatically handle receiving, replying, and signal, timer, Cascade DataHub events, and Photon messages.

The errno possile values for this function are:

    EAGAIN Out of queue packets to network manager

    EFAULT Invalid message

    EINTR Function call interrupted by signal

    EINVAL invalud virtual circuit buffer

    ENOMEM not enough memory for operation

    ESRCH the process ID does not exist


Examples of this function are beyond the scope of this documentation.

See Also

qnx_send, qnx_receive, send, send_async, next_event, next_event_nb, PtMainLoop