class RtProgress PtGauge { progress_bar_color; // color (Rt_ARG_PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR) progress_divisions; // unsigned short (Rt_ARG_PROGRESS_DIVISIONS) progress_gap; // unsigned short (Rt_ARG_PROGRESS_GAP) progress_spacing; // unsigned short (Rt_ARG_PROGRESS_SPACING) }
This widget is a bar that fills with color from left to right to indicate progress from 0% to 100%. The colors can be changed, and the progress bar can be divided, with spaces put between the divisions.
![]() | For detailed information, please refer to RtProgress in the Photon documentation. |
A number specifying the color of the progress bar. Default is 0xff0000 (red).
A number specifying how many parts the bar is divided into. Default is 1. If divided into more than one part, the bar will not register a change in value until the entire part is complete. For example, a bar of 100 units divided into 10 parts whose value is 37 will show progress of 30 units. When the value reaches 40, the bar will show 40 units.
This variable is not currently implemented.
A number of pixels specifying the separation between the parts, as divided by the progress_divisions variable above. The coloring of these spaces is the same as is set in the inherited fill_color variable
This example, ex_PtNumeric-RtProgress.g, is included in the product distribution.
#!/usr/cogent/bin/phgamma /* * This example demonstrates PtNumeric and * PtProgress widgets. */ require_lisp("PhotonWidgets.lsp"); PtInit(nil); function display_value(wnum, wprog) { wprog.gauge_value = wnum.numeric_value; } win = new(PtWindow); win.SetDim(160, 190); ilab = new(PtLabel); ilab.text_string = "Integer values"; ilab.SetArea(20, 6, 120, 20); ilab.horizontal_alignment = Pt_CENTER; inum = new(PtNumericInteger); inum.SetArea(20, 30, 120, 20); inum.numeric_increment = 5; inum.numeric_max = 50; inum.numeric_min = -50; inum.numeric_value = 5; inum.numeric_flags = cons(Pt_NUMERIC_WRAP, nil); inum.numeric_flags = cons(Pt_NUMERIC_AUTO_HIGHLIGHT, nil); if (_os_ == "QNX4") iprog = new(RtProgress); else iprog = new(PtProgress); iprog.SetArea(20, 60, 115, 20); iprog.gauge_minimum = -50; iprog.gauge_maximum = 50; PtAttachCallback(inum, Pt_CB_NUMERIC_CHANGED, `display_value(@inum, @iprog)); display_value(inum, iprog); if (_os_ == "QNX4") { flab = new(PtLabel); flab.text_string = "Float values"; flab.SetArea(20, 96, 120, 20); flab.horizontal_alignment = Pt_CENTER; fnum = new(PtNumericFloat); fnum.SetArea(20, 120, 120, 20); fnum.numeric_increment = 4.8941; fnum.numeric_max = 50; fnum.numeric_min = -50; fnum.numeric_value = 5.34153; fnum.numeric_precision = 4; fnum.numeric_flags = cons(Pt_NUMERIC_WRAP, nil); fnum.numeric_flags = cons(Pt_NUMERIC_AUTO_HIGHLIGHT, nil); fprog = new(RtProgress); fprog.SetArea(20, 150, 115, 20); fprog.gauge_minimum = -50; fprog.gauge_maximum = 50; fprog.progress_bar_color = 0x0000ff; PtAttachCallback(fnum, Pt_CB_NUMERIC_CHANGED, `display_value(@fnum, @fprog)); display_value(fnum, fprog); } else { lab = new(PtLabel); lab.SetPos(15, 90); lab.text_font = "helv8"; lab.text_string = string("Note: This example in QNX 4\n", "also contains a PtNumeric Float \n", "widget, which is not currently\n", "available in Gamma/Photon for\n", "QNX 6."); } PtRealizeWidget(win); PtMainLoop();
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