switch (symbol) {case condition: statement [statement...] [case condition: statement [statement...]] ... [default: statement [statement...]]}
A symbol with a value to test against the value of the condition(s).
Any Gamma or Lisp expression.
Any Gamma statement.
The return value of the statement that corresponds to the first satisfied condition or the default. Otherwise nil.
This statement is similar to the condition statement, except that it takes an argument. It checks the value of the passed symbol against the value of the condition for each case in turn. The first match returns the return value of the corresponding statement. If there is no match, it returns the return value of the default statement, if any.
The words "case" and "default" and the symbols {, :, and } are unchanging syntactical elements.
Gamma> a = "on"; "on" Gamma> b = 6; 6 Gamma> c = "Nothing"; "Nothing" Gamma> switch(a) {case "on": 75; case "off": 20; default: 0;} 75 Gamma> switch(b) {case "on": 40; case "off": 10; default: princ("Huh?\n");} Huh? t Gamma> switch(c) {case "on": 1; case "off": 0;} nil Gamma>
#!/usr/cogent/bin/gamma /* This example demonstrates the switch and condition statements. The switch statement checks the command line argument and prints a response. The case argument checks the command line argument and the result of the switch statement. */ function main () { a = number ((cadr(argv))); switch (a) { case 1: princ ("One\n"); case 2: princ ("Two\n"); case 2+1: princ ("Three\n"); case 4: princ ("Four\n"); default: princ ("Something else: ", a, "\n"); } condition { case a == 1: princ ("Condition a == 1\n"); case cadr(argv) == "Hello": princ ("Condition a == Hello\n"); default: princ ("No condition met\n"); } }
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