Lists and Arrays

Table of Contents

append - concatenates several lists into a single new list.
aref - returns an array expression at a given index.
array - constructs an array.
array_to_list - converts an array to a list.
aset - sets an array element to a value at a given index.
assoc, assoc_equal - search an association list for a sublist.
bsearch - searches an array or list for a element.
car, cdr, and others - return specific elements of a list.
cons - constructs a cons cell.
copy - makes a copy of the top list level of a list.
copy_tree - copies the entire tree structure and elements of a list.
delete - removes an element from an array.
difference - constructs a list of the differences between two lists.
find, find_equal - search a list using the eq and equal functions.
insert - inserts an array value at a given position.
intersection - constructs a list of all the elements found in both of two lists.
length - counts the number of elements in a list or array.
list, listq - create lists.
list_to_array - converts a list to an array.
make_array - creates an empty array.
nappend - appends one or more lists, destructively modifying them.
nremove - removes list items, destructively altering the list.
nreplace, nreplace_equal - replace elements in a list.
nth_car, nth_cdr - iteratively apply the car and cdr functions to a list.
remove - removes list items without altering the list.
reverse - reverses the order of list elements.
rplaca, rplacd - replace the car and cdr of a list.
shorten_array - reduces or expands the size of an array.
sort - sorts a list or array, destructively modifying the order.
union - constructs a list containing all the elements of two lists.