8.3. Button Functions - toggle_sym, change_settings

These functions connect the buttons in the Monitor GUI to the points in the Cascade DataHub. The first function is used to toggle the AUTO_001 datahub point between values of 0 and 1.

    * Function:    toggle_sym
    * Returns:     t or nil
    * Description: Toggles a database point between 0 and 1 when a button
    *              is pressed.
   function toggle_sym(sym)
     set (sym, eval(sym) == 0 ? 1 : 0);
     write_point (sym, eval(sym));

The Gamma set function is used to give control over the assignment that is not available when simply using the assignment operator. Used with the Gamma ternary operator, it allows us to check the current value of the symbol, and at the same time change the value of the symbol according to its existing value

The change_settings function is attached to each radio button (ie. Good, Poor, Oscillating, Out-of-control), and it assigns a value to each PtNumeric widget. Those changes are then written to the Cascade DataHub.

    * Function:    change_settings
    * Returns:     t or nil
    * Description: Used by the Monitor to change PID settings, and optionally
    *              unclick the Auto button if it is on.  The numeric widgets
    *              won't execute callbacks after they have been changed
    *              programmatically, so we have to write the point using
    *              write_point().
   function change_settings(auto, n1, v1, n2, v2, n3, v3, n4, v4,
                            n5, v5, n6, v6, msgno, autobutton?)
     if (auto == nil)
         if (AUTO_001 != 0)
             autobutton.onoff_state = 0;
             write_point(#AUTO_001, 0);
         autobutton.onoff_state = 1;
         write_point(#AUTO_001, 1);
         n1.numeric_value = v1;
         write_point(#FREQ_001, v1);

Due to an irregularity in the Photon 2 version of the PtNumericFloat widget, we are forced to use the PtNumeric widget for QNX 6. Thus we have to convert the values to integers before sending them to the numeric widgets. The original values are in hundredths, so we multiply by 100.

     if (_os_ == "QNX4")
         n2.numeric_value = v2;
         n3.numeric_value = v3;
         n4.numeric_value = v4;
         n5.numeric_value = v5;
         n6.numeric_value = v6;
         n2.numeric_value = v2 * 100;
         n3.numeric_value = v3 * 100;
         n4.numeric_value = v4 * 100;
         n5.numeric_value = v5 * 100;
         n6.numeric_value = v6 * 100;
     write_point(#PID1_Kp, v2);
     write_point(#PID1_Ki, v3);
     write_point(#PID1_Kd, v4);
     write_point(#PROP_001, v5);
     write_point(#INT_001, v6);

The PtNumeric widget's value can be set programmatically, by assigning the .numeric_value resource, but doing so does not invoke the widget's callback. So after setting the value in the widget, we have to write the value to the Cascade DataHub using the Gamma function write_point.