/*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * File: emul.g * * Description: A Gamma program that simulates a PID-controlled loop. * * Functions: * PID_Controller.init * PID_Controller.calculate * change_procvar * auto_control * change_values *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Allow more than one emulator to run at a time, with the default being ("toolsdemo", "emul", "emulq") */ if (length(argv) > 1) { demodomain = cadr(argv); demoname = string ("emul", demodomain); demoqueue = string ("emulq", demodomain); } else { demodomain = "toolsdemo"; demoname = "emul"; demoqueue = "emulq"; } /* Initialize interprocess communication for this process */ if (init_ipc(demoname, demoqueue, demodomain) == nil) error("Could not initialize IPC."); /* See if a DataHub is running in the toolsdemo domain. If not, start it. */ if (locate_task (string ("/dh/", demodomain), t) == nil) system(string ("datahub -d ", demodomain)); /* We need to try to register something or the auth is refused. */ SP_001 = register_point(#SP_001); // The set point variable. datahub = locate_task (string ("/dh/", demodomain), t); result = send (datahub, #auth("writer", "writepass")); /* Register the first points with the DataHub. */ SP_001 = register_point(#SP_001); // The set point variable. MV_001 = register_point(#MV_001); // The manipulated variable. PV_001 = register_point(#PV_001); // The process variable. cycle_count = 0; // Counter for number of cycles /* Ensure that the confidence values are set to 100, or the * logger will not log the values that we produce. The computation * of PV and MV are relative to previous values, so they preserve * whatever confidence we initially set. */ SP_001 = set_conf (SP_001, 100); MV_001 = set_conf (MV_001, 100); PV_001 = set_conf (PV_001, 100); /* Create a global variable for demonstrating gsend and lsend. */ demo_send = 1; function force_point(pointname, value) { set (pointname, value); if (!datahub) { datahub = locate_task (string ("/dh/", demodomain), t); } if (datahub) { if (!send (datahub, `force(@pointname, @value))) { datahub = nil; force_point(pointname, value); } } } /******************************************************** * PID Controller Class * ********************************************************/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Class: PID_Controller * Description: Contains data and methods for creating and maintaining * a simulated PID loop. *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class PID_Controller { name; errorPrev; errorInt = 0; errorDrv = 0; kProp; kInt; kDrv; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Method: PID_Controller.init * Returns: a name * Description: Initializes the PID control loop by creating three * variables representing proportion, integration, and * derivative. *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ method PID_Controller.init (name) { local val; .name = name; .kProp = symbol(string(name, "_Kp")); val = register_point(.kProp); if (number_p(val) && (conf(val) != 0)) set(.kProp, val); else force_point(.kProp, 0.05); .kInt = symbol(string(name, "_Ki")); val = register_point(.kInt); if (number_p(val) && (conf(val) != 0)) set(.kInt, val); else force_point(.kInt, 0.7); .kDrv = symbol(string(name, "_Kd")); val = register_point(.kDrv); if (number_p(val) && (conf(val) != 0)) set(.kDrv, val); else force_point(.kDrv, 0.05); .name; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Method: PID_Controller.calculate * Returns: an approximate value for MV, as a real number * Description: Sets and writes a new MV value. *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ method PID_Controller.calculate (sp, mv, pv) { local error, res; error = eval(sp) - eval(pv); /* Appproximate the integral. */ .errorInt += error; /* Prevent error "wind-up" effect. */ if (.errorInt < 0) .errorInt = 0; /* Approximate the derivative. */ if (.errorPrev) .errorDrv = error - .errorPrev; .errorPrev = error; res = (eval(.kProp) * error + eval(.kInt) * .errorInt + eval(.kDrv) * .errorDrv); res = floor (res * 100) / 100; /* Set boundary conditions. */ if (res > 200) res = 200; if (res <= 0) res = 0; force_point (mv, res); res; } /******************************************************** * The Plant Model * ********************************************************/ /* The proportion and integral for PV. */ PROP_001 = register_point(#PROP_001); INT_001 = register_point(#INT_001); /* Check and correct out-of-range values, * by writing default "Poor" values.*/ if (PROP_001 < .01 || PROP_001 > 10) force_point(#PROP_001, .7); if (INT_001 <= 0 || INT_001 > 10) force_point(#INT_001, 5); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: change_procvar * Returns: t on success, nil on failure * Description: Sets and writes a new PV value. *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function change_procvar (sptag, mvtag, pvtag) // { local diff = eval(mvtag) * PROP_001 - eval (pvtag), newval = eval(pvtag) + diff / INT_001; // princ ((long_p(eval(pvtag)) ? "long " : "float "), // "pv: ", eval(pvtag), ":", conf(eval(pvtag)), "\n"); newval = floor (newval * 100) / 100; newval = newval * demo_send; force_point (pvtag, newval); } /******************************************************** * Automatically Change SP Value * ********************************************************/ /* Initialize a global variable for the automatic timer. */ AUTO_TIMER = nil; AUTO_RESET_TIMER = nil; /* Register points, exceptions, and echos with the DataHub. * The FREQ_001 variable holds the delay for automatic change of SP. */ AUTO_001 = register_point(#AUTO_001); add_exception_function(#AUTO_001, #(AUTO_TIMER = auto_control(FREQ_001))); add_echo_function(#AUTO_001, #(AUTO_TIMER = auto_control(FREQ_001))); FREQ_001 = register_point(#FREQ_001); if (FREQ_001 < 1 || FREQ_001 > 20) force_point(#FREQ_001, 8); add_exception_function(#FREQ_001, #(AUTO_TIMER = auto_control(FREQ_001))); function round2(x) { floor (x * 100) / 100; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: auto_control * Returns: a timer number * Description: Sets a timer to change the value of SP at a specified * frequncy. *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auto_control(freq) { if (AUTO_001 != 0) { /* Start a timer to move SP to random settings. */ if (AUTO_TIMER == nil) { if (45 < SP_001 && SP_001 < 55) force_point(#SP_001, 80); else force_point(#SP_001, 50); AUTO_TIMER = every(eval(freq), `force_point(#SP_001, round2(random() * 100))); } else { /* Cancel an existing timer. */ cancel(AUTO_TIMER); AUTO_TIMER = nil; auto_control(FREQ_001); } } else { /* Cancel the timer if the AUTO_001 button is not pressed. */ if (AUTO_TIMER != nil) { cancel(AUTO_TIMER); AUTO_TIMER = nil; } if (AUTO_RESET_TIMER) cancel (AUTO_RESET_TIMER); AUTO_RESET_TIMER = after (60, #go_auto()); } AUTO_TIMER; } /* Automatically revert to automatic setpoint change mode */ function go_auto () { if (AUTO_001 == 0) force_point (#AUTO_001, 1); } /* When the setpoint changes and the automatic setpoint mode is off, it means that a user has changed the setpoint manually, so reset the timer that throws us back into automatic setpoint mode for another minute. */ function sp_changed () { if (AUTO_001 == 0) { if (AUTO_RESET_TIMER) cancel (AUTO_RESET_TIMER); AUTO_RESET_TIMER = after (60, #go_auto()); } } add_exception_function (#SP_001, #sp_changed()); /******************************************************** * Emulating the PID Loop * ********************************************************/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function: change_values * Returns: function * Description: Calls PID_Controller.calculate() and change_procvar() *------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function change_values (controller) { controller.calculate(#SP_001, #MV_001, #PV_001); change_procvar (#SP_001, #MV_001, #PV_001); force_point (#CYCLE, ++cycle_count); } /* Create a controller. */ PID1 = new(PID_Controller); PID1.init ("PID1"); /* Start the controller running. */ every (0.1, #change_values(PID1)); force_point(#AUTO_001, 1); AUTO_TIMER = auto_control(#FREQ_001); /* Loop continuously. */ while (t) { next_event(); }
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