14.20. Common: The Cascade Historian Configuration File - hist.cfg

The History program starts the Cascade Historian with this configuration file (hist.cfg), which contains commands to be executed at start-up. The syntax for the file is Lisp syntax, which encloses the command name and its arguments (if any) within a set of parentheses. Comments are included by putting the semi-colon symbol (;) at the beginning of a line. We put two semi-colons simply to make it easier to distinguish comments from the other lines of the file.

The Cascade Historian commands used here are: history, disable, register, bufsize, deadband, and filebase. For more information on these commands, please refer to the Cascade Historian manual.

;; Cascade Historian Configuration File for Cogent Tools Demo

;;                    HISTORY SET-UP

;; Set up histories.  The *_DB and *_DBP histories will record the 
;; same data as the respective *_001 histories, but deadbanded.
;; *_DB will be for a regular deadband.
;; *_DBP will have the prior value enabled.
(history SP_001)

(history MV_001)
(history MV_DB MV_001)
(history MV_DBP MV_001)

(history PV_001)
(history PV_DB PV_001)
(history PV_DBP PV_001)

;; Disable the recording of histories until needed.

;; Register all histories with the Cascade DataHub.

;; Set maximum buffer sizes for histories, the default is 100.
(bufsize MV_001 1000)
(bufsize MV_DB 1000)
(bufsize MV_DBP 1000)

(bufsize PV_001 1000)
(bufsize PV_DB 1000)
(bufsize PV_DBP 1000)

;;                    DEADBAND SET-UP

;; Set the deadbands on the *_DB and *_DBP histories.
(deadband MV_DB (enable t) (absolute 5) (prior nil))
(deadband MV_DBP (enable t) (absolute 5) (prior t))

(deadband PV_DB (enable t) (absolute 5) (prior nil))
(deadband PV_DBP (enable t) (absolute 5) (prior t))

;;                    OUTPUT FILES

;; Specify the names of the files to which the histories are written.
(filebase SP_001 "/tmp/cogentdemo/histories" "sp." ".dat" -1)

(filebase MV_001 "/tmp/cogentdemo/histories" "mv." ".dat" -1)
(filebase MV_DB "/tmp/cogentdemo/histories" "mvdb." ".dat" -1)
(filebase MV_DBP "/tmp/cogentdemo/histories" "mvdbp." ".dat" -1)

(filebase PV_001 "/tmp/cogentdemo/histories" "pv." ".dat" -1)
(filebase PV_DB "/tmp/cogentdemo/histories" "pvdb." ".dat" -1)
(filebase PV_DBP "/tmp/cogentdemo/histories" "pvdbp." ".dat" -1)