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OPC DataHub -- The only OPC tool you need.
June 2009
As OPC becomes more widely adopted, it is moving beyond its factory automation roots and gaining popularity in new areas such as building maintenance and HVAC. In these diverse applications spaces, the OPC DataHub has much to offer.
- Bob McIlvride, Cogent
In This Issue
Schneider Electric links BMS and security systems
Featured Partner: SWD Software
Sending end-of-shift reports by email
"We got the basic system up and running in a few hours, helping us meet a tight deadline."
Gus Phipps - Odenberg Engineering, Ireland
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Schneider Electric links building management and security systems

In a prestigious Dubai project recently, Schneider Electric FZE engineers used the OPC DataHub to integrate a building's security system with its energy management system to provide state-of-the-art energy efficiency at substantial cost savings.

Image of Lenel OnGuard security system connected to TAC Satchwell Sigma BMS using the OPC DataHub.

"The project was straightforward to implement," said Mr. Pradeep Viswanathan, Schneider Electric's BAS Field Supervisor. "With the excellent support from Software Toolbox and Cogent for the OPC DataHub, and Al Hani Gulf Contracting and Lenel for their expertise with the Lenel OPC server, we were in very good hands. The system has been online for a few months now, and is working very well."

Featured Partner: SWD Software
SWD Software logo.

SWD Software Ltd., located in St. Petersburg, Russia, has been a Cogent Sales Partner for over ten years. SWD specializes in the QNX real-time operating system, and has supported projects all across Russia and Eastern Europe.

"Linking the OPC DataHub to the Cascade DataHub for QNX is an excellent way to get robust OPC connectivity in QNX," said Leonid Agafonov, Managing Director of SWD Software. "Our customers demand the highest quality data integration software, and Cogent consistently delivers it."

Sending end-of-shift reports by email

Using the OPC DataHub it is easy to configure summary reports as emails that are sent to managers by email on a regular basis. End-of-shift reports and weekly summary reports can be created as either plain text or HTML emails to present the data in desired format.

Image of the OPC DataHub writing OPC and Excel data to an email.

It is easy to create well formatted reports that show the most recent data from your processes. This removes the errors associated with manual data entry and guarantees that reports will always be completed on time.

About Cogent
The OPC DataHub is developed and maintained by Cogent Real-Time Systems. Founded in 1995, Cogent is the leader in real-time cross-platform data integration between Windows, Linux and QNX. Customers include the Bank of Canada, Cadbury Chocolate and the European Space Agency.

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