

Types -- Handle run-time type creation.


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

typedef     GtkType;
enum        GtkFundamentalType;
#define     GTK_TYPE_FLAT_LAST
#define     GTK_STRUCT_OFFSET               (struct, field)
#define     GTK_CHECK_CAST                  (tobj, cast_type, cast)
#define     GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST            (tclass,cast_type,cast)
#define     GTK_CHECK_TYPE                  (type_object, otype)
#define     GTK_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE            (type_class, otype)
GtkType     gtk_identifier_get_type         (void);
#define     GTK_TYPE_MAKE                   (parent_t, seqno)
#define     GTK_FUNDAMENTAL_TYPE            (type)
#define     GTK_TYPE_SEQNO                  (type)
#define     GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC                 (f)
void        (*GtkClassInitFunc)             (gpointer klass);
void        (*GtkObjectInitFunc)            (gpointer object,
                                             gpointer klass);
void        (*GtkSignalFunc)                ();
gint        (*GtkFunction)                  (gpointer data);
void        (*GtkDestroyNotify)             (gpointer data);
void        (*GtkCallbackMarshal)           (GtkObject *object,
                                             gpointer data,
                                             guint n_args,
                                             GtkArg *args);
void        (*GtkSignalMarshaller)          (GtkObject *object,
                                             GtkSignalFunc func,
                                             gpointer func_data,
                                             GtkArg *args);
void        (*GtkArgGetFunc)                (GtkObject *object,
                                             GtkArg *arg,
                                             guint arg_id);
void        (*GtkArgSetFunc)                (GtkObject *object,
                                             GtkArg *arg,
                                             guint arg_id);
struct      GtkTypeObject;
struct      GtkArg;
#define     GTK_VALUE_CHAR                  (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_UCHAR                 (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_BOOL                  (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_INT                   (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_UINT                  (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_LONG                  (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_ULONG                 (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_FLOAT                 (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_DOUBLE                (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_STRING                (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_ENUM                  (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_FLAGS                 (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_BOXED                 (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_POINTER               (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_OBJECT                (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_SIGNAL                (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_ARGS                  (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_CALLBACK              (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_C_CALLBACK            (a)
#define     GTK_VALUE_FOREIGN               (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_CHAR                 (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_UCHAR                (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_BOOL                 (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_INT                  (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_UINT                 (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_LONG                 (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_ULONG                (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_FLOAT                (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_DOUBLE               (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_STRING               (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_ENUM                 (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_FLAGS                (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_BOXED                (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_POINTER              (a)
#define     GTK_RETLOC_OBJECT               (a)
struct      GtkTypeInfo;
struct      GtkTypeQuery;
struct      GtkTypeClass;
struct      GtkEnumValue;
void        gtk_type_init                   (void);
GtkType     gtk_type_unique                 (GtkType parent_type,
                                             const GtkTypeInfo *type_info);
void        gtk_type_set_chunk_alloc        (GtkType type,
                                             guint n_chunks);
gchar*      gtk_type_name                   (guint type);
GtkType     gtk_type_from_name              (const gchar *name);
GtkType     gtk_type_parent                 (GtkType type);
gpointer    gtk_type_class                  (GtkType type);
gpointer    gtk_type_parent_class           (GtkType type);
GList*      gtk_type_children_types         (GtkType type);
gpointer    gtk_type_new                    (GtkType type);
void        gtk_type_free                   (GtkType type,
                                             gpointer mem);
void        gtk_type_describe_heritage      (GtkType type);
void        gtk_type_describe_tree          (GtkType type,
                                             gboolean show_size);
gboolean    gtk_type_is_a                   (GtkType type,
                                             GtkType is_a_type);
GtkTypeObject* gtk_type_check_object_cast   (GtkTypeObject *type_object,
                                             GtkType cast_type);
GtkTypeClass* gtk_type_check_class_cast     (GtkTypeClass *klass,
                                             GtkType cast_type);
GtkType     gtk_type_register_enum          (const gchar *type_name,
                                             GtkEnumValue *values);
GtkType     gtk_type_register_flags         (const gchar *type_name,
                                             GtkFlagValue *values);
GtkEnumValue* gtk_type_enum_get_values      (GtkType enum_type);
GtkFlagValue* gtk_type_flags_get_values     (GtkType flags_type);
GtkEnumValue* gtk_type_enum_find_value      (GtkType enum_type,
                                             const gchar *value_name);
GtkFlagValue* gtk_type_flags_find_value     (GtkType flag_type,
                                             const gchar *value_name);
void        gtk_type_set_varargs_type       (GtkType foreign_type,
                                             GtkType varargs_type);
GtkType     gtk_type_get_varargs_type       (GtkType foreign_type);
GtkTypeQuery* gtk_type_query                (GtkType type);


Gtk's type system is extensible. Because of that, types have to be managed at runtime.



typedef guint GtkType;

GtkType is unique integer identifying the type. The guts of the information about the type is held in a private struct named GtkTypeNode.

enum GtkFundamentalType

typedef enum
  /* flat types */
  /* structured types */
  /* base type node of the object system */
} GtkFundamentalType;

GtkFundamentalType is an enumerated type which lists all the possible fundamental types (e.g. char, uchar, int, long, float, etc).



No idea.



The first "flat" (no struct) enumerated type value.



The last "flat" (no struct) enumerated type value.



The first structured enumerated type value.



The last structured enumerated type value.



The highest-numbered structured or flat enumerated type value.



The highest maximum fundamental enumerated type value.


#define     GTK_STRUCT_OFFSET(struct, field)

Use in place of offsetof(), which is used if it exists.

struct :The type of the structure.
field :The field within the structure.


#define     GTK_CHECK_CAST(tobj, cast_type, cast)

Cast the object in tobj into cast. If GTK_NO_CHECK_CASTS is defined, just cast it. Otherwise, check to see if we can cast tobj into a cast.

tobj :a pointer to a GtkObject.
cast_type :a Gtk type.
cast :a C type


#define     GTK_CHECK_CLASS_CAST(tclass,cast_type,cast)

Cast the object in tobj into cast. If GTK_NO_CHECK_CASTS is defined, just cast it. Otherwise, check to see if we can cast tobj into a cast.

tclass :a pointer to a GtkClassInitFunc
cast_type :a Gtk type.
cast :a C type


#define     GTK_CHECK_TYPE(type_object, otype)

Determines whether type_object is a type of otype.

type_object :A GtkTypeObject object.
otype : 


#define     GTK_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE(type_class, otype)

Determines whether type_class is a type of otype.

type_class :A GtkTypeClass class.
otype : 


#define		GTK_TYPE_IDENTIFIER		(gtk_identifier_get_type ())

Hide the name of gtk_identifier_get_type

gtk_identifier_get_type ()

GtkType     gtk_identifier_get_type         (void);

Get the type of GtkIdentifier.

Returns :GtkType -- the enumerated type of something.


#define GTK_TYPE_MAKE(parent_t, seqno)	(((seqno) << 8) | GTK_FUNDAMENTAL_TYPE (parent_t))

Combine a fundemantal type and a sequence number to create a gtk type.

parent_t : 
seqno : 


#define GTK_FUNDAMENTAL_TYPE(type)	((GtkFundamentalType) ((type) & 0xFF))

Convert a gtk type into a fundamental type

type : 


#define GTK_TYPE_SEQNO(type)		((type) > 0xFF ? (type) >> 8 : (type))

Convert a gtk type into its sequence number

type : 


#define GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(f)  ((GtkSignalFunc) f)

Just a macroized cast into a GtkSignalFunc

f : 

GtkClassInitFunc ()

void        (*GtkClassInitFunc)             (gpointer klass);

Define a function pointer.

klass :a gpointer

GtkObjectInitFunc ()

void        (*GtkObjectInitFunc)            (gpointer object,
                                             gpointer klass);

Define a function pointer.

object :a gpointer
klass :a gpointer

GtkSignalFunc ()

void        (*GtkSignalFunc)                ();

Define a function pointer.

GtkFunction ()

gint        (*GtkFunction)                  (gpointer data);

Define a function pointer.

data :gpointer
Returns :gint

GtkDestroyNotify ()

void        (*GtkDestroyNotify)             (gpointer data);

Define a function pointer.

data :gpointer

GtkCallbackMarshal ()

void        (*GtkCallbackMarshal)           (GtkObject *object,
                                             gpointer data,
                                             guint n_args,
                                             GtkArg *args);

Define a function pointer.

object :GtkObject*
data :gpointer
n_args :guint
args :GtkArg*

GtkSignalMarshaller ()

void        (*GtkSignalMarshaller)          (GtkObject *object,
                                             GtkSignalFunc func,
                                             gpointer func_data,
                                             GtkArg *args);

Define a function pointer.

object :GtkObject*
func :GtkSignalFunc
func_data :gpointer
args :GtkArg*

GtkArgGetFunc ()

void        (*GtkArgGetFunc)                (GtkObject *object,
                                             GtkArg *arg,
                                             guint arg_id);

Define a function pointer. Deprecated.

object : 
arg : 
arg_id : 

GtkArgSetFunc ()

void        (*GtkArgSetFunc)                (GtkObject *object,
                                             GtkArg *arg,
                                             guint arg_id);

Define a function pointer. Deprecated.

object : 
arg : 
arg_id : 

struct GtkTypeObject

struct GtkTypeObject
  /* A pointer to the objects class. This will actually point to
   *  the derived objects class struct (which will be derived from
   *  GtkTypeClass).
  GtkTypeClass	*klass;

A GtkTypeObject defines the minimum structure requirements for type instances. Type instances returned from gtk_type_new() and initialized through a GtkObjectInitFunc need to directly inherit from this structure or at least copy its fields one by one.

struct GtkArg

struct GtkArg
  GtkType type;
  gchar *name;
  /* this union only defines the required storage types for
   * the possibile values, thus there is no gint enum_data field,
   * because that would just be a mere alias for gint int_data.
   * use the GTK_VALUE_*() and GTK_RETLOC_*() macros to access
   * the discrete memebers.
  union {
    /* flat values */
    gchar char_data;
    guchar uchar_data;
    gboolean bool_data;
    gint int_data;
    guint uint_data;
    glong long_data;
    gulong ulong_data;
    gfloat float_data;
    gdouble double_data;
    gchar *string_data;
    gpointer pointer_data;
    GtkObject *object_data;
    /* structured values */
    struct {
      GtkSignalFunc f;
      gpointer d;
    } signal_data;
    struct {
      gint n_args;
      GtkArg *args;
    } args_data;
    struct {
      GtkCallbackMarshal marshal;
      gpointer data;
      GtkDestroyNotify notify;
    } callback_data;
    struct {
      GtkFunction func;
      gpointer func_data;
    } c_callback_data;
    struct {
      gpointer data;
      GtkDestroyNotify notify;
    } foreign_data;
  } d;

This is a structure that we use to pass in typed values (and names).


#define GTK_VALUE_CHAR(a)	((a).d.char_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_CHAR

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_UCHAR(a)	((a).d.uchar_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_UCHAR

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_BOOL(a)	((a).d.bool_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_BOOL

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_INT(a)	((a).d.int_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_INT

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_UINT(a)	((a).d.uint_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_UINT

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_LONG(a)	((a).d.long_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_LONG

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_ULONG(a)	((a).d.ulong_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_ULONG

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_FLOAT(a)	((a).d.float_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_FLOAT

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_DOUBLE(a)	((a).d.double_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_DOUBLE

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_STRING(a)	((a).d.string_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_STRING

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_ENUM(a)	((a).d.int_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_ENUM

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_FLAGS(a)	((a).d.uint_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_FLAGS

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_BOXED(a)	((a).d.pointer_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_BOXED

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_POINTER(a)	((a).d.pointer_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_POINTER

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_OBJECT(a)	((a).d.object_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_OBJECT

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_SIGNAL(a)	((a).d.signal_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_SIGNAL

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_ARGS(a)	((a).d.args_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_ARGS

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_CALLBACK(a)	((a).d.callback_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_CALLBACK

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_C_CALLBACK(a) ((a).d.c_callback_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_C_CALLBACK

a : 


#define GTK_VALUE_FOREIGN(a)	((a).d.foreign_data)

Use to get the value of a GtkArg whose GtkType is GTK_TYPE_C_FOREIGN

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_CHAR(a)	((gchar*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_CHAR

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_UCHAR(a)	((guchar*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_UCHAR

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_BOOL(a)	((gboolean*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_BOOL

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_INT(a)	((gint*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_INT

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_UINT(a)	((guint*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_UINT

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_LONG(a)	((glong*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_LONG

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_ULONG(a)	((gulong*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_ULONG

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_FLOAT(a)	((gfloat*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_FLOAT

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_DOUBLE(a)	((gdouble*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_DOUBLE

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_STRING(a)	((gchar**)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_STRING

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_ENUM(a)	((gint*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_ENUM

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_FLAGS(a)	((guint*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_FLAGS

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_BOXED(a)	((gpointer*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_BOXED

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_POINTER(a)	((gpointer*)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_POINTER

a : 


#define GTK_RETLOC_OBJECT(a)	((GtkObject**)	(a).d.pointer_data)

If the GtkArg contains a pointer to the value, this macro will be a pointer to a GTK_TYPE_OBJECT

a : 

struct GtkTypeInfo

struct GtkTypeInfo
  gchar			*type_name;
  guint			 object_size;
  guint			 class_size;
  GtkClassInitFunc	 class_init_func;
  GtkObjectInitFunc	 object_init_func;
  gpointer		 reserved_1;
  gpointer		 reserved_2;
  GtkClassInitFunc	 base_class_init_func;

Holds information about the type. gtk_type_name returns the name. object_size is somehow set to the number of bytes that an instance of the object will occupy. class_init_func holds the type's initialization function. object_init_func holds the initialization function for an instance of the object. reserved_1 is used for GtkEnumValue to hold the enumerated values.

struct GtkTypeQuery

struct GtkTypeQuery
  GtkType		 type;
  const gchar		*type_name;
  guint			 object_size;
  guint			 class_size;

A structure used to return values from gtk_type_query.

struct GtkTypeClass

struct GtkTypeClass;

The base structure for a Gtk Type. Every type inherits this as a base structure.

struct GtkEnumValue

struct GtkEnumValue
  guint	 value;
  gchar	*value_name;
  gchar *value_nick;

A structure which contains a single enum value, and its name, and it's nickname.

gtk_type_init ()

void        gtk_type_init                   (void);

Initialize the data structures associated with gtk types.

gtk_type_unique ()

GtkType     gtk_type_unique                 (GtkType parent_type,
                                             const GtkTypeInfo *type_info);

Create a new, unique type.

parent_type :if zero, a fundamental type is created.
type_info :must not be null, and type_info->type_name must also not be null.
Returns :the new GtkType.

gtk_type_set_chunk_alloc ()

void        gtk_type_set_chunk_alloc        (GtkType type,
                                             guint n_chunks);

Set the mem_chunk size so it will hold n_chunks of the objects of that type.

type :There must be an unlocked TypeNode associated with this type otherwise nothing happens.
n_chunks : 

gtk_type_name ()

gchar*      gtk_type_name                   (guint type);

type :a GtkType
Returns :a pointer to the name of a type, or NULL if it has none.

gtk_type_from_name ()

GtkType     gtk_type_from_name              (const gchar *name);

Get the internal representation of a type given its name.

name :the name of a gtk type
Returns :a GtkType

gtk_type_parent ()

GtkType     gtk_type_parent                 (GtkType type);

type :a GtkType
Returns :the GtkType of the parent

gtk_type_class ()

gpointer    gtk_type_class                  (GtkType type);

Return a gpointer pointing to the class of type or NULL if there was any trouble identifying type. Initialize the class if necessary.

type :a GtkType
Returns :gpointer to the klass.

gtk_type_parent_class ()

gpointer    gtk_type_parent_class           (GtkType type);

Return the class of the parent. Initialize the class if necessary. Return NULL if anything goes wrong.

type :GtkType
Returns :gpointer to the klass.

gtk_type_children_types ()

GList*      gtk_type_children_types         (GtkType type);

Return the pointer to the type's children's types.

type :GtkType
Returns :pointer to a GList

gtk_type_new ()

gpointer    gtk_type_new                    (GtkType type);

Create a new object of a given type, and return a gpointer to it. Returns NULL if you give it an invalid type. It allocates the object out of the type's memory chunk if there is a memory chunk. The object has all the proper initializers called.

type :GtkType
Returns :gpointer to a GtkTypeObject

gtk_type_free ()

void        gtk_type_free                   (GtkType type,
                                             gpointer mem);

Given the type of an object and a pointer to it, the object is freed.

type :GtkType
mem :gpointer to the object

gtk_type_describe_heritage ()

void        gtk_type_describe_heritage      (GtkType type);

Print the types type inherits from.

type :GtkType

gtk_type_describe_tree ()

void        gtk_type_describe_tree          (GtkType type,
                                             gboolean show_size);

Given a type, describe all of its children, and their children. Only show the size if show_size is true.

type :GtkType
show_size :gboolean

gtk_type_is_a ()

gboolean    gtk_type_is_a                   (GtkType type,
                                             GtkType is_a_type);

Look in the type hierarchy to see if type has is_a_type among its ancestors. Do so with a simple lookup, not a loop.

type :GtkType
is_a_type :GtkType
Returns : 

gtk_type_check_object_cast ()

GtkTypeObject* gtk_type_check_object_cast   (GtkTypeObject *type_object,
                                             GtkType cast_type);

Given a pointer to a GtkTypeObject type_object, and a GtkType cast_type, make sure that it's okay to cast type_object into a cast_type.

type_object :GtkTypeObject*
cast_type :GtkType
Returns :the same GtkTypeObject* as type_object

gtk_type_check_class_cast ()

GtkTypeClass* gtk_type_check_class_cast     (GtkTypeClass *klass,
                                             GtkType cast_type);

Given a GtkTypeClass pointer klass, and a GtkType cast_type, make sure that it's okay to cast something of that klass into a cast_type.

klass :GtkTypeClass*
cast_type :GtkType
Returns :Always return klass.

gtk_type_register_enum ()

GtkType     gtk_type_register_enum          (const gchar *type_name,
                                             GtkEnumValue *values);

Register a new set of enum values and give them the name in type_name.

type_name :must not be null.
values :GtkEnumValue*
Returns : 

gtk_type_register_flags ()

GtkType     gtk_type_register_flags         (const gchar *type_name,
                                             GtkFlagValue *values);

Register a new set of flags values and give them the name in type_name.

type_name :must not be null.
values :GtkFlagValue*
Returns : 

gtk_type_enum_get_values ()

GtkEnumValue* gtk_type_enum_get_values      (GtkType enum_type);

If enum_type has values, then return a pointer to all of them.

enum_type :GtkType
Returns :GtkEnumValue*

gtk_type_flags_get_values ()

GtkFlagValue* gtk_type_flags_get_values     (GtkType flags_type);

If flags_type has values, then return a pointer to all of them.

flags_type : 
Returns :GtkFlagValue*

gtk_type_enum_find_value ()

GtkEnumValue* gtk_type_enum_find_value      (GtkType enum_type,
                                             const gchar *value_name);

Return a pointer to one of enum_type's GtkEnumValues's whose name (or nickname) matches value_name.

enum_type :GtkType
value_name : 
Returns :GtkEnumValue*

gtk_type_flags_find_value ()

GtkFlagValue* gtk_type_flags_find_value     (GtkType flag_type,
                                             const gchar *value_name);

Return a pointer to one of flag_type's GtkFlagValue's whose name (or nickname) matches value_name.

flag_type :GtkType
value_name : 
Returns :GtkFlagValue*

gtk_type_set_varargs_type ()

void        gtk_type_set_varargs_type       (GtkType foreign_type,
                                             GtkType varargs_type);

Set the varargs type for a fundamental type foreign_type.

foreign_type :Must be a GtkType with a sequence number of zero. Must not be a fundamental type.
varargs_type :Must be a GtkType which is either structured or flag, or NONE.

gtk_type_get_varargs_type ()

GtkType     gtk_type_get_varargs_type       (GtkType foreign_type);

Get the varargs type associated with foreign_type

foreign_type :GtkType
Returns :GtkType

gtk_type_query ()

GtkTypeQuery* gtk_type_query                (GtkType type);

Given a type, return various interesting parameters of the type.

type :GtkType
Returns :GtkTypeQuery*