

GtkPixmap -- a widget displaying a graphical image or icon.


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

struct      GtkPixmap;
GtkWidget*  gtk_pixmap_new                  (GdkPixmap *pixmap,
                                             GdkBitmap *mask);
void        gtk_pixmap_set                  (GtkPixmap *pixmap,
                                             GdkPixmap *val,
                                             GdkBitmap *mask);
void        gtk_pixmap_get                  (GtkPixmap *pixmap,
                                             GdkPixmap **val,
                                             GdkBitmap **mask);
void        gtk_pixmap_set_build_insensitive
                                            (GtkPixmap *pixmap,
                                             guint build);

Object Hierarchy



The GtkPixmap widget displays a graphical image or icon. The icon is typically created using gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm() or gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm_d().

The pixels in a GtkPixmap cannot be manipulated by the application after creation, since under the X Window system the pixel data is stored on the X server and so is not available to the client application. If you want to create graphical images which can be manipulated by the application, look at GtkImage and GdkRGB.


struct GtkPixmap

struct GtkPixmap;

The GtkPixmap struct contains private data only, and should be accessed using the functions below.

gtk_pixmap_new ()

GtkWidget*  gtk_pixmap_new                  (GdkPixmap *pixmap,
                                             GdkBitmap *mask);

Creates a new GtkPixmap, using the given GDK pixmap and mask.

pixmap :a GDKPixmap.
mask :a GDKBitmap which indicates which parts of the pixmap should be transparent.
Returns :a new GtkPixmap.

gtk_pixmap_set ()

void        gtk_pixmap_set                  (GtkPixmap *pixmap,
                                             GdkPixmap *val,
                                             GdkBitmap *mask);

Sets the GdkPixmap and GdkBitmap mask.

pixmap :a GtkPixmap.
val :a GdkPixmap.
mask :a GdkBitmap, which indicates which parts of the pixmap should be transparent. This can be NULL, in which case none of the pixmap is transparent.

gtk_pixmap_get ()

void        gtk_pixmap_get                  (GtkPixmap *pixmap,
                                             GdkPixmap **val,
                                             GdkBitmap **mask);

Gets the current GdkPixmap and GdkBitmap mask.

pixmap :a GtkPixmap.
val :returns the current GdkPixmap.
mask :returns the current GdkBitmap mask.

gtk_pixmap_set_build_insensitive ()

void        gtk_pixmap_set_build_insensitive
                                            (GtkPixmap *pixmap,
                                             guint build);

pixmap :a GtkPixmap.
build :set to TRUE if an extra pixmap should be automatically created to use when the pixmap is insensitive.