5.3. Sending a Test Message

Once you have configured the mail server you can configure and send a test email. Here's how:

Open the Email/SMS Events window

  1. In the OPC DataHub Properties window, select Email/SMS .
  2. In the Configure Email and SMS Events section press the Configure button.
    This opens the Email/SMS Events window:

Define the Email Message

  1. Select the 1. Email tab.
  2. For the Message Type, choose Plain Text Message.
  3. Enter a recipient email address in the Recipients box. You can enter several addresses, separated by commas.
  4. Enter a subject in the Subject box.
  5. For the Body, choose Use the following text:.
  6. Start the DataSim program if it isn't already running, and ensure that it is connected to the DataHub.
  7. In the point-picker list on the right, expand the DataSim data domain and select the point named Sine.
  8. Click the Name button to the right of the point-picker list.
  9. In the text entry field, type the following:
    The DataHub point 
  10. Click the Insert Point button. Your text display should now look like this:
    The DataHub point DataSim:Sine
  11. Press Enter and continue typing:
    The DataHub point DataSim:Sine
    had a value of: 
  12. Click the Value button and then click the Insert Point button. Your text display should now look like this:
    The DataHub point DataSim:Sine
    had a value of: <%=$DataSim:Sine%>
  13. Press Enter and continue typing:
    The DataHub point DataSim:Sine
    had a value of: <%=$DataSim:Sine%>
    at the time: 
  14. Click the Time button and then click the Insert Point button. Your text display should now look like this:
    The DataHub point DataSim:Sine
    had a value of: <%=$DataSim:Sine%>
    at the time: <%=PointTimeString(#$DataSim:Sine%)>
    The message is ready. Now you can assign a trigger and set a condition.

Assign a Trigger

For this example, we will trigger the action on the DataSim:UpdateFrequency point.

  1. Select the 2. Trigger tab.
  2. From the point selector, expand the DataSim data domain and select the point UpdateFrequency.
  3. Click the + button to the right of the Point Name field. The point name DataSim:UpdateFrequency should fill in for you.

    You can choose any point for the trigger, including the point that gets written, such as DataSim:Sine in our example. For more information about triggers, please refer to Section 5.5, “Assigning a Trigger”.

Set a Condition and Configure the Action

For this example, let's limit the trigger on the DataSim:UpdateFrequency point to changes only to values over 100.

  1. Select the 3. Condition tab.
  2. Click the checkbox in the first row.
  3. From the point selector, expand the DataSim data domain and select the point UpdateFrequency.
  4. Click the + button in the left column. The text $DataSim:UpdateFrequency should fill in the box.
  5. From the drop-down box, choose the > operator.
  6. In the right column, enter the number 100. Your screen should now look like this:
    You have set the condition. The expression at the bottom shows what will be passed to Gamma, the internal scripting engine of the DataHub.
  7. Go down to the Configured Actions box and click the Create button.
    A new configured action should appear in the list. This is a summary of what you have done. When a configured action is selected in this list, you can make changes in any of the tabs and modify it using the Modify. You can also duplicate a configured action using the Create button, or remove it with the Remove button. For more information about configured actions, please refer to Section 5.7, “Configured Actions”
  8. Click the Apply button to activate the configured action. Now let's see how it all works.

Trigger and Send an Email

The action you just configured causes the DataHub to send an email any time the DataSim Update Frequency is changed to a value greater than 100. To test the script, you'll need to trigger it by changing that value in the DataSim.

  1. In DataSim, press the More... button to view the Configurable Options
  2. Change the Update Frequency to a number greater than 100 and click the Apply Changes button to commit the change.
  3. Check the email account of the recipient. You should have received a message that looks like this:
    Each time you enter a new Update Frequency value greater than 100 in the DataSim, the DataHub script will send a similar message.

You have just configured and tested an action that sends an email with the name, value, and timestamp of the Sine point in the DataSim data domain whenever the value of the UpdateFrequency point changes to a value over 100. Now you can configure other emails to send your own text messages or HTML pages. The remaining sections in this chapter explain the interface in more detail