H.3. Windows DDE Error Numbers

NumberError StringError Description
16384DMLERR_ADVACKTIMEOUTTimeout waiting for an advise acknowledge.
16385DMLERR_BUSYRecipient is busy.
16386DMLERR_DATAACKTIMEOUTTimeout waiting for an advise data acknowledge
16388DMLERR_DLL_USAGEGeneral DDE library usage error.
16389DMLERR_EXECACKTIMEOUTTimeout waiting for an exec acknowledgment.
16390DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETERInvalid parameter to DDEML function call.
16391DMLERR_LOW_MEMORYMemory is becoming low.
16392DMLERR_MEMORY_ERRORMemory is exhausted.
16393DMLERR_NOTPROCESSEDReceiving task was not interested in message.
16394DMLERR_NO_CONV_ESTABLISHEDNo DDE conversation could be established.
16395DMLERR_POKEACKTIMEOUTTimeout waiting for a poke acknowledge.
16396DMLERR_POSTMSG_FAILEDAttempt to post a window message failed.
16397DMLERR_REENTRANCYThe DDE library was re-entered during a blocking call.
16398DMLERR_SERVER_DIEDDDE server has died.
16399DMLERR_SYS_ERRORA DDE call has caused a system error.
16400DMLERR_UNADVACKTIMEOUTTimeout waiting for an unadvised acknowledge.
16401DMLERR_UNFOUND_QUEUE_IDDDE queue id could not be found.