1.2. Auto-Generation

The API is machine-generated, so some of the less common Windows functions are not supported. We plan to add those functions by hand on a case-by-case basis as they are identified as necessary. In all, there are 46 widget classes, 400+ common structures, 1700+ functions and 6000+ constants included. We do not plan to fully document it, but instead list the functions we support and refer the reader to the Microsoft documentation for details.

We have added some functions to make it convenient to set colors and fonts, and to anchor widgets for resizing support, but for the most part the functions we support are faithful to the Microsoft documentation.

1.2.1. Documentation

In addition to the API itself, about 95% of the reference sections of this documentation are automatically generated. Many of the classes, functions, and constants in this document are linked to the MSDN documentation search page for that item. Those that don't have an exact equivalent may require a bit of creative searching through the Microsoft documentation.

In a few instances we have not yet been able to automatically extract all of the documentation from the code. The most notable example is when there is more than one calling sequence for the member function of a widget. Each of these functions has an argument list that looks like this: (args?...). Until we are able to extract the correct calling sequences and their syntaxes, you will have to search and read the Windows documentation and do a little trial and error to determine what the possibilities are. Alternatively, if there is a specific function that you cannot find the arguments for, you can post a message on the Cogent Community Forum in the Bugs and Questions section, and we will post the arguments in the forum.