This tutorial demonstrates more widgets and useful features.
require ("Application"); require ("WindowsSupport"); class WindowsExample Application { menu_actions; menu_items; win; } method WindowsExample.constructor () { local win = new GWindow(); local rect = CreateRect(10, 10, 400, 400); local b, tb, txt; win.Create (0, rect, "Monitor", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0); .win = win; win.SetBackground (0, GetSysColor (COLOR_3DFACE), 0); win.SetChildBackground (0, GetSysColor (COLOR_3DFACE), 0); win.MessageHandler (WM_DESTROY, `destroy (@self)); txt = win.CreateControl (GStatic, 20, 5, 350, 20, "Start DataSim to see live data here"); txt.SetForeground (0, 0, 0xff0000); txt.SetFontEx (20, 8, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Times"); win.onChange (#$DataSim:Sine, `(@txt).SetWindowText(format ("%a = %.4f", this, value))); b0 = win.CreateControl (GGroupBox, 20, 30, 350, 40, "Radio Buttons"); win.AddControlResizeFlags (b0.GetDlgCtrlID(), DLSZ_SIZE_X); b = b0.CreateControl (GRadioButton, 10, 10, 150, 25, "UpdateFrequency = 1"); b2 = b0.CreateControl (GRadioButton, 180, 10, 150, 25,"UpdateFrequency = 10"); b0.AddControlResizeFlags (b2.GetDlgCtrlID(), DLSZ_MOVE_X); b0.CommandHandler (BN_CLICKED, b.GetDlgCtrlID(), `((@b0).IsDlgButtonChecked((@b).GetDlgCtrlID()) == 0 ? nil : $DataSim:UpdateFrequency = 1)); b0.CommandHandler (BN_CLICKED, b2.GetDlgCtrlID(), `((@b0).IsDlgButtonChecked((@b2).GetDlgCtrlID()) == 0 ? nil : $DataSim:UpdateFrequency = 10)); win.onChange (#$DataSim:UpdateFrequency, `(@b).SetCheck (value == 1 ? 1 : 0)); win.onChange (#$DataSim:UpdateFrequency, `(@b2).SetCheck (value == 10 ? 1 : 0)); txt = win.CreateControl (GStatic, 20, 80, 70, 25, "Transparency"); tb = .win.CreateControl (GTrackBarCtrl, 90, 80, 280, 25, "Transparency"); tb.SetRange (50, 255, 5); tb.ModifyStyle (0, TBS_AUTOTICKS, 0); tb.SetTicFreq (5); tb.SetPos (255); .win.MessageHandler (WM_HSCROLL, `(@self).SetTransparency((@tb).GetPos())); // Make a field for entering Gamma commands txt = win.CreateControl (GammaEntry, 20, 115, 350, 20, "command"); txt.SetBackground (0, GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOW), 0); win.AddControlResizeFlags (txt.GetDlgCtrlID(), DLSZ_SIZE_X); txt.SetWindowText ("Type a gamma command here, then press Enter"); // Make a tab control. tab = win.CreateControl (GTabCtrl, 20, 150, 350, 200, "tabs"); tab.ModifyStyle (TCS_TABS | TCS_RAGGEDRIGHT, TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN | TCS_FIXEDWIDTH); tab.SetChildBackground (0, 0xc0ffff, 0); tab.AddWindow (0, "Waveforms", .CreateDialog1 (tab.GetHwnd(), "")); tab.AddWindow (1, "Parameters", .CreateDialog2 (tab.GetHwnd(), "")); tab.AddWindow (2, "List", .CreateDialog3 (tab.GetHwnd(), "")); win.AddControlResizeFlags (tab.GetDlgCtrlID(), DLSZ_SIZE_X | DLSZ_SIZE_Y); win.NotifyHandler (TCN_SELCHANGE, tab.GetDlgCtrlID(), `(@tab).SelChange()); tab.SetCurSel (0); .AddMenus(); win.ShowWindow (SW_SHOW); } method WindowsExample.destructor () { local id, count, traymenu, i, item; try { with x in .menu_actions do remove_menu_action (car(x), cdr(x)); } catch { princ ("Error: ", _last_error_, "\n"); print_stack(); } with x in .menu_items do { try { id = car(x); traymenu = get_tray_menu(); count = GetMenuItemCount (traymenu); item = new MENUITEMINFO; item.cbSize = 48; item.fMask = MIIM_ID | MIIM_SUBMENU; if (cdr(x)) // id is a submenu hmenu { for (i=0; i<count; i++) { if (GetMenuItemInfo (traymenu, i, 1, item) != 0 && item.hSubMenu == id) DeleteMenu (traymenu, i, MF_BYPOSITION); } } else // id is a menu item command id { for (i=0; i<count; i++) { if (GetMenuItemInfo (traymenu, i, 1, item) != 0 && item.wID == id) DeleteMenu (traymenu, i, MF_BYPOSITION); } } } catch { princ ("Error: ", _last_error_, "\n"); print_stack(); } } if (!destroyed_p (.win)) .win.DestroyWindow(); } method WindowsExample.SetTransparency (alpha) { // This bit of code makes the window translucent. .win.ModifyStyleEx (0, WS_EX_LAYERED); SetLayeredWindowAttributes (.win.GetHwnd(), 0, alpha, LWA_ALPHA); } /* ======= An entry field that evaluates its input as Gamma ======= */ class GammaEntry GEdit { } method GammaEntry.constructor () { .MessageHandler (WM_CHAR, `(@self).SubmitEval ()); } method GammaEntry.Typing () { local str = .GetWindowText(); princ (str, "\n"); } method GammaEntry.SubmitEval () { if (wParam == VK_RETURN) { local str = .GetWindowText(); princ (str, "\n"); local x = eval_string (string(str,";"), t); princ (" "); pretty_print (x); terpri(); } nil; } /* ======= Print something when the user selects a file ====== */ /* This is an example of how to use the global hook on a file dialog to act on any file selection. */ method GFileDialog.OnSelChange () { local buf = make_buffer(256); .GetFilePath (buf, 256); princ ("Selection changed: ", buffer_to_string(buf), "\n"); } /* =========== Add sample menu items to the tray menu ========= */ MenuItemID := 10000; method WindowsExample.SelectTrayMenuItem (id) { local win = new GColorDialog(); princ ("HWND: ", win.m_hWnd, " = ", win.GetHwnd(), "\n"); local result = win.DoModal(0); if (result == 1) { princ ("You chose the color: ", hex(win.GetColor()), "\n"); } } method WindowsExample.AddSubMenu (parent, pos, label) { local submenu = CreatePopupMenu(); InsertMenu (traymenu, pos, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_POPUP, submenu, label); .menu_items = cons (cons (submenu, t), .menu_items); submenu; } method WindowsExample.AddMenuItem (parent, pos, label, code) { local info = new MENUITEMINFO(); info.cbSize = 48; info.fMask = MIIM_STRING | MIIM_FTYPE | MIIM_ID; info.fType = MFT_STRING; info.wID = ++MenuItemID; info.dwTypeData = label; InsertMenuItem (parent, pos, 1, info); local action = add_menu_action (MenuItemID, code); .menu_actions = cons (action, .menu_actions); } method WindowsExample.AddMenus () { local traymenu = get_tray_menu (); if (traymenu != 0) { local submenu = .AddSubMenu (traymenu, 5, "Monitor Functions"); .AddMenuItem (submenu, -1, "Select Color", `(@self).SelectTrayMenuItem (@MenuItemID+1)); .AddMenuItem (submenu, -1, "Select File", `new GFileDialog (1).DoModal(0)); .AddMenuItem (submenu, -1, "Select Folder", `new GFolderDialog ().DoModal(0)); } else { } } /* ==== A dialog within the first tab in the tab control ==== */ class Dialog1 GWindow { win; stHeader; stSine; stRamp; stTriangle; stSquare; } method WindowsExample.CreateDialog1 (parent, str) { local win = new Dialog1(); win.Init (parent, str); win; } method Dialog1.Init (parent, str) { local rect = CreateRect(10, 10, 10, 10); local row = 5, drow = 30, w = 290, h = 20; .win = self; .win.Create (parent, rect, "tab", WS_CHILDWINDOW, 0); .stSine = .win.CreateControl (GStatic, 5, row, w, h, "Sine"); .win.onChange (#$DataSim:Sine, `WindowsExample_update (@.stSine, this)); WindowsExample_update (.stSine, #$DataSim:Sine); .stRamp = .win.CreateControl (GStatic, 5, row += drow, w, h, "Ramp"); .win.onChange (#$DataSim:Ramp, `WindowsExample_update (@.stRamp, this)); WindowsExample_update (.stRamp, #$DataSim:Ramp); .stTriangle = .win.CreateControl (GStatic, 5, row += drow, w, h, "Triangle"); .win.onChange (#$DataSim:Triangle, `WindowsExample_update (@.stTriangle, this)); WindowsExample_update (.stTriangle, #$DataSim:Triangle); .stSquare = .win.CreateControl (GStatic, 5, row += drow, w, h, "Square"); .win.onChange (#$DataSim:Square, `WindowsExample_update (@.stSquare, this)); WindowsExample_update (.stSquare, #$DataSim:Square); link = .win.CreateControl (GHyperLink, 5, row += drow, w, h, ""); link.SetHyperLink (""); link.SetLabel ("Visit Cogent's web page"); link.SetLinkFont (GetStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT)); link.ShowWindow (SW_SHOW); .win.onChange (#$DataSim:Square, `progn { if (value < 0) { (@win).SetBackground (0, 0xc0ffff, 0); (@win).SetChildBackground (0, 0xc0ffff, 0); } else { (@win).SetBackground (0, 0xffffff, 0); (@win).SetChildBackground (0, 0xffffff, 0); } (@win).Invalidate(); }); win; } /* ==== A dialog within the second tab in the tab control ==== */ class Dialog2 GWindow { win; stHeader; stAmplitude; stFrequency; stOffset; stUpdateFrequency; } method WindowsExample.CreateDialog2 (parent, str) { local win = new Dialog2(); win.Init (parent, str); win; } method Dialog2.Init (parent, str) { local rect = CreateRect(10, 10, 10, 10); local row = 5, drow = 30, w = 290, h = 20; .win = self; .win.Create (parent, rect, "tab", WS_CHILDWINDOW, 0); .stAmplitude = .win.CreateControl (GStatic, 5, row, w, h, "Amplitude"); .win.onChange (#$DataSim:Amplitude, `WindowsExample_update(@.stAmplitude, this)); WindowsExample_update (.stAmplitude, #$DataSim:Amplitude); .stFrequency = .win.CreateControl (GStatic, 5, row += drow, w, h, "Frequency"); .win.onChange (#$DataSim:Frequency, `WindowsExample_update(@.stFrequency, this)); WindowsExample_update (.stFrequency, #$DataSim:Frequency); .stOffset = .win.CreateControl (GStatic, 5, row += drow, w, h, "Offset"); .win.onChange (#$DataSim:Offset, `WindowsExample_update(@.stOffset, this)); WindowsExample_update (.stOffset, #$DataSim:Offset); .stUpdateFrequency = .win.CreateControl (GStatic, 5, row += drow, w, h, "UpdateFrequency"); .win.onChange (#$DataSim:UpdateFrequency, `WindowsExample_update(@.stUpdateFrequency, this)); WindowsExample_update (.stUpdateFrequency, #$DataSim:UpdateFrequency); local tb = .win.CreateControl (GTrackBarCtrl, 5, row += drow, w, h, "FreqBar"); tb.SetRange (0, 20, 1); tb.ModifyStyle (0, TBS_AUTOTICKS, 0); tb.SetTicFreq (2); .win.MessageHandler (WM_HSCROLL, `(@self).Scrolled(@tb)); .win.onChange (#$DataSim:UpdateFrequency, `(@tb).SetPos (value)); if (!undefined_p($DataSim:UpdateFrequency)) tb.SetPos ($DataSim:UpdateFrequency); win; } method Dialog2.Scrolled (tb) { $DataSim:UpdateFrequency = tb.GetPos(); } /* ==== A dialog containing a List box ==== */ class Dialog3 GWindow { win; lv; } method WindowsExample.CreateDialog3 (parent, str) { local win = new Dialog3(); win.Init (parent, str); win; } method Dialog3.AddPet (name, owner, species) { local n = .lv.GetItemCount(); .lv.InsertItem (n, name); .lv.SetItemText (n, 1, owner); .lv.SetItemText (n, 2, species); } method Dialog3.Init (parent, str) { local rect = CreateRect(10, 10, 10, 10); local w = 10, h = 10; .win = self; .win.SetBackground (0, GetSysColor (COLOR_3DFACE), 0); .win.Create (parent, rect, "tab", WS_CHILDWINDOW, 0); .lv = .CreateControl (GListViewCtrl, 0, 0, w, h, "lv"); .lv.SetViewType (1); .lv.SetExtendedListViewStyle (LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_ONECLICKACTIVATE, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT /*| LVS_EX_ONECLICKACTIVATE*/); .lv.InsertColumn (0, "Pet", 0, 100, 0); .lv.InsertColumn (1, "Owner", 0, 100, 0); .lv.InsertColumn (2, "Species", 0, 100, 0); .lv.SetBackground (0, 0xffffff, 0); .AddPet ("Fluffy","Harold","cat"); .AddPet ("Claws","Gwen","cat"); .AddPet ("Buffy", "Harold", "dog"); .AddPet ("Fang", "Benny", "dog"); .AddPet ("Bowser", "Diane", "dog"); .AddPet ("Chirpy", "Gwen", "bird"); .AddPet ("Whistler", "Gwen", "bird"); .AddPet ("Slim", "Benny", "snake"); .AddPet ("Blob", "Benny", "slug"); /* One way to modify the list after it has been created is to search for an entry by its column-zero text and then modify the sub-items. */ local finfo = new LVFINDINFO(); finfo.flags = LVFI_STRING; finfo.psz = "Chirpy"; local item = .lv.FindItem (finfo, 0); .lv.SetItemText (item, 1, "Nobody"); .win.AddControlResizeFlags (.lv.GetDlgCtrlID(), DLSZ_SIZE_X | DLSZ_SIZE_Y); .win.NotifyHandler (LVN_ITEMACTIVATE, .lv.GetDlgCtrlID(), `(@self).SelectedItems(@(.lv))); .win; } method Dialog3.SelectedItems (lv) { local i, n = lv.GetItemCount(), state, items; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ((state = lv.GetItemState (i, LVIS_SELECTED)) != 0) items = cons (i, items); } princ (reverse(items), "\n"); reverse (items); } /* ======================== Support functions ==================== */ function WindowsExample_update (win, point) { local val, i; if (!undefined_p (val = eval(point))) { point = string (point); if ((i = strchr (point, ':')) != -1) point = substr (point, i+1, -1); win.SetWindowText (format ("%s = %.4f", point, val)); } } /* ============================= Run It ========================== */ ApplicationSingleton (WindowsExample);
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