Gtk Non-Widget Classes

Table of Contents

GtkAccelEntry -
GtkAccelGroup -
GtkAdjustment -
GtkAlignment - controls its child's alignment and size.
GtkAllocation -
GtkArg -
GtkArgInfo -
GtkBindingArg -
GtkBindingEntry -
GtkBindingSet -
GtkBindingSignal -
GtkBoxChild -
GtkCListCellInfo -
GtkCListColumn -
GtkCListDestInfo -
GtkCListRow -
GtkCTreeNode -
GtkCTreeRow -
GtkCell -
GtkCellPixText -
GtkCellPixmap -
GtkCellText -
GtkCellWidget -
GtkData - a parent class for data classes.
GtkDitherInfo -
GtkEnumValue -
GtkFixedChild -
GtkFlagValue -
GtkFontFilter -
GtkImage - displays an image.
GtkImageClass -
GtkItemFactory -
GtkItemFactoryEntry -
GtkItemFactoryItem -
GtkMenuEntry -
GtkMenuFactory -
GtkMenuPath -
GtkMenuShell - a parent class for GtkMenu and GtkMenuBar.
GtkMenuShellClass -
GtkNotebookPage -
GtkObject - the fundamental Gtk parent class.
GtkPackerChild -
GtkPatternSpec -
GtkPreviewInfo -
GtkPropertyMark -
GtkRcStyle -
GtkRequisition -
GtkRulerMetric -
GtkSelectionData -
GtkSignalQuery -
GtkStatusbarMsg -
GtkStyle -
GtkStyleClass -
GtkTableChild -
GtkTableRowCol -
GtkTargetEntry -
GtkTargetList -
GtkTargetPair -
GtkThemeEngine -
GtkTipsQuery - freezes the GIU to display help tips.
GtkTipsQueryClass -
GtkToolbarChild -
GtkTooltips - lets you add help tips to widgets.
GtkTooltipsData - data associated with GtkTooltips.
GtkTypeClass -
GtkTypeInfo -
GtkTypeObject -
GtkTypeQuery -
GtkWidgetAuxInfo -
GtkWidgetShapeInfo -