
Table of Contents

I. Gtk Widgets
GtkAccelLabel - displays an accelerator key on menus etc.
GtkArrow - points in one of 4 directions.
GtkAspectFrame - constrains resizing to a given aspect ratio.
GtkBin - a class of containers that have only one child.
GtkBox - a parent class for GtkHBox and GtkVBox.
GtkButton - a parent class for buttons.
GtkButtonBox - a parent class for GtkHButtonBox and GtkVButtonBox.
GtkCList - a scrollable list of selectable items with multiple columns.
GtkCTree - an adjustable, expandable tree of selectable items.
GtkCalendar - a user-customizable calendar.
GtkCheckButton - a clickable label with a small toggle button beside it.
GtkCheckMenuItem - a menu item with a small toggle button beside it.
GtkColorSelection - lets the user select colors visually or numerically.
GtkColorSelectionDialog -
GtkCombo - a GtkEntry widget combined with a dropdown list.
GtkContainer - a parent class for container widgets.
GtkCurve - an editable curve.
GtkDialog - a pop-up dialog window.
GtkDrawingArea - lets you create custom GUI elements.
GtkEditable - a parent class for text widgets.
GtkEntry - a text-entry field.
GtkEventBox - gives event-handling capability to windowless widgets.
GtkFileSelection - lets the user browse and select directories and files.
GtkFixed - lets you fix child widget sizes and positions.
GtkFontSelection - lets the user browse and select fonts.
GtkFontSelectionDialog - a dialog box containing a GtkFontSelection widget.
GtkFrame - a bin with a border and label (optional).
GtkGammaCurve - an editable gamma curve.
GtkHBox - packs its children in a horizontal row.
GtkHButtonBox - facilitates horizontal layout of buttons.
GtkHPaned - creates two horizontally-adjustable panes.
GtkHRuler - a horizontal ruler.
GtkHScale - a horizontal slider used to select values.
GtkHScrollbar - a horizontal scrollbar.
GtkHSeparator - a horizontal separator.
GtkHandleBox - a container whose children can be detached and moved.
GtkInputDialog - supports configuration of XInput extension devices.
GtkItem - a parent class for items.
GtkLabel - displays a text string.
GtkLayout -
GtkList - a scrollable list of selectable items.
GtkListItem - an item used in a GtkList.
GtkMenu - a menu.
GtkMenuBar - displays GtkMenuItems at the top of a window.
GtkMenuItem - an item used in a GtkMenu.
GtkMisc - a parent class that handles alignment and padding.
GtkNotebook - a group of tabbed pages.
GtkOptionMenu - a menu accessed by a button.
GtkPacker -
GtkPaned - a parent class for adjustable panes.
GtkPixmap - displays a pixmap image.
GtkPlug - works with GtkSocket to embed widgets across processes.
GtkPreview - displays an image's RGB or grayscale data.
GtkProgress - a parent class for GtkProgressBar.
GtkProgressBar - a thermometer-style bar display.
GtkRadioButton - a check button that allows only one selection from a group.
GtkRadioMenuItem - a menu item that allows only one selection from a group.
GtkRange - a parent class for GtkScrollbar and GtkScale.
GtkRuler - a parent class for rulers.
GtkScale - a parent class for sliders.
GtkScrollbar - a parent class for scrollbars.
GtkScrolledWindow - adds scrollbars to a widget.
GtkSeparator - a parent class for separators.
GtkSocket - works with GtkPlug to embed widgets across processes.
GtkSpinButton - facilitates entering numbers.
GtkStatusbar - displays nonessential messages.
GtkTable - packs widgets horizontally and vertically.
GtkTearoffMenuItem - lets the user remove and reposition a menu.
GtkText - a multi-line text entry and display field.
GtkToggleButton - a button that retains its on/off state.
GtkToolbar - creates a toolbar of buttons etc.
GtkTree - an expandable tree of selectable items.
GtkTreeItem - an item used in a GtkTree.
GtkVBox - packs its children in a vertical column.
GtkVButtonBox - facilitates vertical layout of buttons.
GtkVPaned - creates two vertically-adjustable panes.
GtkVRuler - a vertical ruler.
GtkVScale - a vertical slider used to select values.
GtkVScrollbar - a vertical scrollbar.
GtkVSeparator - a vertical separator.
GtkViewport - lets you add scrollbars to non-scrolling widgets.
GtkWidget - the parent class of widgets.
GtkWindow - the parent class of windows.

II. Gtk Non-Widget Classes
GtkAccelEntry -
GtkAccelGroup -
GtkAdjustment -
GtkAlignment - controls its child's alignment and size.
GtkAllocation -
GtkArg -
GtkArgInfo -
GtkBindingArg -
GtkBindingEntry -
GtkBindingSet -
GtkBindingSignal -
GtkBoxChild -
GtkCListCellInfo -
GtkCListColumn -
GtkCListDestInfo -
GtkCListRow -
GtkCTreeNode -
GtkCTreeRow -
GtkCell -
GtkCellPixText -
GtkCellPixmap -
GtkCellText -
GtkCellWidget -
GtkData - a parent class for data classes.
GtkDitherInfo -
GtkEnumValue -
GtkFixedChild -
GtkFlagValue -
GtkFontFilter -
GtkImage - displays an image.
GtkImageClass -
GtkItemFactory -
GtkItemFactoryEntry -
GtkItemFactoryItem -
GtkMenuEntry -
GtkMenuFactory -
GtkMenuPath -
GtkMenuShell - a parent class for GtkMenu and GtkMenuBar.
GtkMenuShellClass -
GtkNotebookPage -
GtkObject - the fundamental Gtk parent class.
GtkPackerChild -
GtkPatternSpec -
GtkPreviewInfo -
GtkPropertyMark -
GtkRcStyle -
GtkRequisition -
GtkRulerMetric -
GtkSelectionData -
GtkSignalQuery -
GtkStatusbarMsg -
GtkStyle -
GtkStyleClass -
GtkTableChild -
GtkTableRowCol -
GtkTargetEntry -
GtkTargetList -
GtkTargetPair -
GtkThemeEngine -
GtkTipsQuery - freezes the GIU to display help tips.
GtkTipsQueryClass -
GtkToolbarChild -
GtkTooltips - lets you add help tips to widgets.
GtkTooltipsData - data associated with GtkTooltips.
GtkTypeClass -
GtkTypeInfo -
GtkTypeObject -
GtkTypeQuery -
GtkWidgetAuxInfo -
GtkWidgetShapeInfo -

III. Gdk Classes
GdkColor -
GdkColorContext -
GdkColorContextDither -
GdkColormap -
GdkCursor -
GdkDeviceInfo -
GdkDeviceKey -
GdkDragContext -
GdkDrawable -
GdkEvent -
GdkEventAny -
GdkEventButton -
GdkEventClient -
GdkEventConfigure -
GdkEventCrossing -
GdkEventDND -
GdkEventExpose -
GdkEventFocus -
GdkEventKey -
GdkEventMotion -
GdkEventNoExpose -
GdkEventProperty -
GdkEventProximity -
GdkEventSelection -
GdkEventVisibility -
GdkFont -
GdkGC -
GdkGCValues -
GdkGeometry -
GdkICAttr -
GdkImage -
GdkPoint -
GdkRectangle -
GdkRegion -
GdkSegment -
GdkTimeCoord -
GdkVisual -
GdkWindowAttr -